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Stand Up for South Dakota's Voiceless Animals

9,547 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

31.82% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

South Dakota's animals are suffering under weak laws. Join us in advocating for stronger protections and a compassionate future for all animals.

South Dakota's animal protection laws are among the weakest in the nation, leaving countless pets vulnerable to neglect and abuse.

Recent incidents have spotlighted the urgent need for change. It's time to stand up for the voiceless and demand stronger protections for all animals in our state.

The Current State of Animal Welfare

South Dakota ranks poorly in terms of animal welfare protections. The state's laws1 fail to mandate the forfeiture of animals from convicted abusers and do not prohibit these individuals from owning pets in the future. Furthermore, there is no requirement for social services to report suspected animal abuse, missing a critical opportunity to protect vulnerable animals2.

A glaring example of these shortcomings was highlighted by Governor Kristi Noem's admission of shooting her dog, Cricket. The dog, described as "untrainable" and "dangerous," was killed after allegedly attacking livestock3. This incident, justified under the state’s lax laws, underscores the urgent need for more compassionate and comprehensive regulations4.

Why This Matters

Animals are capable of feeling pain, fear, and joy. They deserve protection from cruelty and neglect. Current laws in South Dakota do not provide adequate safeguards, leaving animals at risk.

The link between animal abuse and other forms of violence, such as domestic violence, is well-documented. By improving animal protection laws, we not only safeguard animals but also help create a safer and more compassionate community for everyone2.

How You Can Help

We are calling on the South Dakota State Legislature to enact essential reforms to our animal protection laws. These reforms include mandatory forfeiture of animals from convicted abusers, bans on future pet ownership by these individuals, and mandatory reporting of suspected abuse by social services.

These changes are crucial for creating a legal framework that prioritizes the welfare of all animals and reflects the values of a humane society.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Sign the petition today and be a voice for the voiceless. Together, we can make a change that will protect animals and ensure a better future for all.

Your support is crucial in urging our legislators to take action and strengthen South Dakota's animal protection laws. Sign the petition now and let's work together to create a safer, more compassionate state.

More on this issue:

  1. Sofia Gall, George Washington University (GWU) Law School Animal Welfare Project (15 June 2015), "South Dakota Animal Cruelty Laws."
  2. Joe Haley, Above The Law (29 April 2024), "Apropos Of Nothing In Particular, Let's Check The Animal Cruelty Laws In South Dakota."
  3. Monica Potts, ABC News (8 May 2024), "Kristi Noem blamed shooting her dog on the realities of rural life. Experts say that doesn’t add up.."
  4. Jacob Newton, KELOLAND (29 April 2024), "Gov. Kristi Noem cites South Dakota state law in deciding to shoot her dog."
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The Petition:

To the Members of the South Dakota State Legislature,

We, the undersigned, urgently call upon you to update South Dakota's outdated animal protection laws. The state currently ranks among the lowest in the nation for animal welfare, leaving countless pets and other animals vulnerable to neglect, abuse, and unnecessary harm. Recent events have highlighted the critical gaps in our legal framework, which fail to provide adequate protection and justice for animals subjected to cruelty.

Animals are sentient beings capable of feeling pain, joy, and fear. It is our moral and ethical duty to ensure their humane treatment and protection. The current laws do not mandate the forfeiture of animals from convicted abusers, nor do they ban these individuals from owning pets in the future.

This lack of comprehensive protection not only endangers the lives of animals but also negatively impacts our communities. Studies have shown a strong link between animal cruelty and other forms of violence, including domestic abuse. Strengthening animal protection laws will also help in identifying and addressing broader issues of violence and neglect.

We petition the South Dakota State Legislature to take immediate and decisive action to:

  1. Enact mandatory forfeiture and ownership bans for individuals convicted of animal cruelty.
  2. Require social services and other relevant agencies to report suspected animal abuse.
  3. Strengthen penalties for animal cruelty, including provisions for proper rehabilitation and care for affected animals.
  4. Ensure adequate funding and resources for enforcement agencies to implement these laws effectively.

By implementing these changes, we can create a safer, more compassionate environment for all beings in the state. Comprehensive animal protection laws will not only safeguard animals but also promote a more humane society. Let us come together to ensure a better future where all creatures are treated with the dignity and care they deserve.

We urge you to act swiftly and decisively.


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