Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Forever Friends

Forever Friends

I've always had shelter cats. It's amazing how lovable they are after being passed by so many people day in and day out. All they want is a forever home, and the chance to be your best friend.

I adopted Kermit (orange tabby) in New York state and Cisco (gray tabby) in Virginia. Here in North Carolina, I volunteer at a no-kill shelter for cats. Every animal I've had the good fortune of meeting - cat or dog - in a shelter is an animal that loves unconditionally and tries with everything they have to be everything you want and need.

We, as humans, put animals in some awful situations. They are totally dependent on our love, food, water, and safety. Small things to ask for, but so many animals are discarded or allowed to become breeding machines.

Please take the time to visit your local shelter to find a friend. It will be one of the best decisions you have ever made.

Nancie, Kermit & Cisco
in memory of Boots, Whiskers, Carnation, Missy & Tina

Nancie McClendon
Raleigh, NC

My Joshy Josh

My Joshy Josh

In Jan. 2006, I decided to adopt another cat after my first cat, Sidney, had to be put down after I had her for 20 years. Putting her to sleep was absolutely devastating for me. After that, I didn't think I'd ever want another cat again. But after 4-5 months, I began to realize that there was something missing; that's when I realized that I wanted another cat. So one day I went to the Paws & Claws Humane Society's website and there he was: Josh, a.k.a. Joshy. He was jet black with big yellow eyes. I was already in love with him & I hadn't even met him yet. I just knew he was the one for me. The caption under his picture said that you needed to make an appointment to see him because he was...well...kind of shy. I made my appointment the very next day, hoping that he hadn't been adopted yet. To my surprise, he hadn't. Josh was a stray that had been seen roaming around outside the shelter day after day, so some of the volunteers caught him & brought him inside the shelter. I guess they weren't having much luck with Josh because he was very scared & had been hissing at potential adopters. The volunteer showed me where he was & decided to let me approach him while no one else was in the room. I walked over to him & held out my hand for him to sniff; he must have thought that I was "ok" because I started scratching his ears & before I knew it, he was purring. When the volunteer poked her head back in & seen that we were getting along just fine, she knew Joshy had just found his new forever home.

Melissa Cornell
Rochester, MN

A Couple of Cuties

A Couple of Cuties

After our 18 year old cat died, I decided to adopt another adult cat, knowing they usually have a harder time finding forever homes. But then I saw two black 3 month old kittens that had been rescued and placed at my vet awaiting adoption. They captured my heart so my husband and I adopted both of them. Cash, named for Johnny Cash who always dressed in black, and Bagheera, the black panther in Jungle Book, love to chase each other around, play with their toys and sit on their cat tree. During these hard economic times, they've been a source of delight and laughter and have energized our other two older cats at the same time.

Charlotte Carl-Mitchell
Scottsdale, AZ

My Molly

My Molly

I was at the Humane Society looking at cats with a friend when I strolled into the dog section. There she was, my Molly. I petted her briefly through the cage door and walked on. The further I got away from her the heavier my chest felt and a tear came up into my eye. She had chosen me. There was no way I could leave without her. We have been together for almost 7 yrs now. She is my heart, she is......
My Molly!!

Knoxville, TN

My love

My love

My dog Brooklyn was found tied to a fence and left to die. He had no food or water and was tied so tightly that he couldnt even sit. He had a day left before he would be put to sleep.No one wanted him because he looked so horrible. I adopted him and he has become my very best friend. Everyone thinks hes such a lucky dog to find a home. I believe Im the lucky one because I found such a great dog!

Bayside, NY

Doc Holliday, the News Hound

Doc Holliday, the News Hound

An hour before the temperature dropped 30 degrees, I found this pup wandering around a parking lot and dodging SUVs behind our office. It seemed unfair to dump him in the local pound right before the holidays, but I had concerns about bringing the little guy to a home that included a rescued pit bull. The trepidation lasted about 30 seconds before I made my inevitable decision. Because he came into my life three days before Christmas -- with a severe underbite -- my husband and I christened him "Doc Holliday." We believe he's a pug and large Chihuahua or small smooth-coated terrier mix. A local vet clinic put Doc through "the works," including testing for all the usual suspects, vaccinating him and, of course, neutering. After picking him up the next day, we've been inseparable.
Because he accompanied me to my job as staff writer for a newspaper, the local police chief quickly dubbed him "The News Hound." The name stuck. Recently, I was offered the position as editor of a weekly newspaper in the Texas Hill Country. During the interview, my most important question was "Can I bring my little dog with me to work?" The answer was yes, and here with both are. Our menagerie now includes two pit bulls, a "weagle," weiner-beagle mix and another dog of indeterminate antecedents, as well as a quintet of cats -- all rescues. When we bring a new rescue into the fold, we tell the animals, "Once upon a time none of you had homes and now you do. Here's another that needs a home so you all must deal with it." So far, they have. I was never allowed to have animals while growing up. Now, in my dotage, I'm making up for lost time.

Judith Pannebaker
Bandera, TX

Once skinny and scared, now healthy and happy

Once skinny and scared, now healthy and happy

Five years ago my partner, Vicky, and I were looking for a new, furry family member. At our local shelter we met a terribly underweight pooch with dull, patchy fur. But one look at her scruffy face and deep, soulful eyes told us that she was the one! She had recently had a litter of pups, did not know how to walk on a leash and had no idea how to play...what a sad little girl.

With lots of patience, some basic veterinary support and a good measure of time, Devyn is now a healthy, balanced, playful and well-loved family member. Soon we'll receive her doggy DNA results and will have better insight to her breed-specific needs and character.

Sue Kinsman
Phoeniz, AZ



Rocky apparently was the victim of the hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004. He flew onto the balcony rail of my friend's condo. My friend (Myra) and her husband opened the sliding door to get a better look at the bird, and he flew inside (as if to say "PEOPLE...I found PEOPLE !!"). Myra called me on the phone, and told me the story, and asked me if no one claimed the bird from ads placed in local papers, did I want to adopt him? The answer was a resounding YES! I have rescued Cockatiels before, in fact one of the birds that I had at the time, was a rescue. No one claimed the little bird from my friend, so my husband and I drove over to the beach to pick him up. He was fully flighted at the time, and difficult to catch, but we finally did, and took him home. We went to the Vet the next day for a check up, and a wing trim, so we could manage him. He has become the best bird EVER. He would ride on my shoulder all day long if I let him. He doesn't play with typical bird toys. His favorite "toy" is a dish towel that he loves to be covered up with. And he also likes to go in a tent made from a lightweight throw. He loves to assist me with the laundry, and is very hurt if I empty the dryer, and he is not there. Rocky is my "champ". I love this bird so much.

Sandra G.
Lutz, FL

The "Girls"

The "Girls"

I went to the Animal Shelter in Salem MA back in 2000 to get a small dog to keep my dog Cody company. He was getting older and had arthritis so he couldn't come to work with me anymore. I went into the shelter and Sophie was in a cage and she put her cheek up to the bars when I saw her and I instantly fell in love. So much for getting a small companion! She was so gentle and loving with Cody. She became his best buddy. When we had to put Cody to sleep because of his age, I went right out to the local greyhound rescue and got Sadie. I had always thought greyhounds were kind of goofy looking, but now that I have them, I think they are the most beautiful dogs there are. They are so loving and gentle, and they enjoy sleeping ALOT. They sleep most of the time and then get up and do laps around the yard or play with us when we want to play. They hardly ever bark - they are just the easiest pets to have around the house. When you look into a greyhounds eyes, they melt your heart. When I think of how they are treated on the track, and disposed of because they are not fast enough, it just saddens me so much. People think they are "hyper" because they are race dogs, but they are just the opposite - they really are the easiest pets to have. Clean, quiet, docile . . . I hope anyone who has room in their heart and their home will consider adopting one ( or more :) of these beautiful, sweet animals.

Norma Rowe
Livermore, ME

Gift from Romania

Gift from Romania

He was living, unwanted and unloved, barely managing to survive alone on the streets of Galati, Romania. He was found by a ROLDA volunteer and, because he had an injured leg, taken into their shelter. From all the hundreds of dogs in their care, his photo was placed on their web site as available for sponsorship. I saw it and it was love at first sight. I sent off my sponsorship money but the more I thought about him, the more I knew that I wanted to adopt him so two days later I e-mailed ROLDA again asking if they could send him to the UK.

Archie arrived exactly a year ago. Because of his shaggy, gray coat people thought he was an old dog but he was only 18 months old. He settled in really well and seems so grateful for a home. I often try and think what his life must have been like before ROLDA rescued him and wonder if he remembers it.

He is my pride and joy - full of love, mischief and fun. Everyone who likes dogs falls in love with him and he has made lots of doggy friends on our walks. To make things even more perfect, the vet operated on his damaged leg and it has healed perfectly. I am just so blessed to have him.

Gill Redfearn
Hull, United Kingdom