Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Sadie Lady

Sadie Lady

I always imagined I would adopt a yellow lab, or a golden retriever puppy. So, it came as a surprise to everyone, especially me, when I met and adopted Sadie. She was a 5-year-old, black, Staffordshire bull terrier with injured rear legs, and was a recent victim of Hurricane Katrina. Despite her handicaps, Sadie's confidence, sweetness, and gratitude set her apart. Not a day goes by without her bringing a smile or laughter to someone we meet. She is always changing people's opinions about "Bully" dogs!

Peterborough, NH

The story of Taurus

The story of Taurus

This is Taurus with Kitty. In this pic he is 12 years old. He left us on November 3, 2007 at 8:30 am by injection he was 14 and a half years old...I miss him terribly. How I got him is another story. When he was three months old a friend of mine's friend asked me to watch his dog for two weeks. Five weeks passed and no word from the person...I was in college and couldn't afford a dog so I had to mow lawns, etc. in order to buy food for him. He was also sick and I had to take him to the vet. Anyway, the guy wanted his dog back the day after I decided to keep him, up until then I had every intention of giving him back. I had to fight this guy to keep Taurus but I won...we were together for over 14 years. :) Best dog I ever had...I miss him so much. Turns out the guy went around telling people this was a visious far from the truth you don't know. When Taurus was 12 he was almost completely deaf, going blind too. He was sniffing something on the ground and a toddler ran up behind him and grabbed his behind startling him. Taurus calmly turned his head (which was at the same level as the kid's face) and gave her a kiss. I berated the mother for this because most dogs would have taken the kid's face off, not my Toto though, he loved children. I think had I given him back to that street punk kid all those years ago he would not have had the same life, if he lived at all.

Morewood, Canada

Sweet Shorty the Puppy Mill Survivor

Sweet Shorty the Puppy Mill Survivor

On Christmas Eve last year, A Tail to Tell rescue got a call from an Amish Puppy Miller. He said that he had a dog that wasn't giving him any puppies and he was going to kill him the next day, unless the rescue wanted to come get him. The angels at A Tail to Tell dropped everything and drove over an hour to save him. When they rescued him, he was covered in blood from being attacked by the other dogs in his cage. Despite the horrible living conditions that he endured, Shorty was extremely sweet and yearning for love from him rescuers. He went to MD Pet Match rescue next, where he was fostered for a few months. He had to be shaved all the way down because of his severe matting and wounds.

When my family met him for the first time, he was the sweetest, most gentle dog we had ever met. We fell in love and were so happy to be able to give him a forever home. In his first month he blossomed like we couldn't believe. His favorite thing to do is cuddle in bed with us. When we watch TV, he climbs up on the back of the couch and lays his head on top of mine. He follows me everywhere. He just loves to be near his people. He loves to run around in the back yard and hop through the flower gardens. He gets so excited when its time to go for a walk. He has brought our family so much love and joy. He now has a beautiful, fluffy coat and gets compliments everywhere we go! We are so grateful to the wonderful rescue groups that saved his life and gave us the best dog ever.

Samantha Haines
Millersville, MD

Little One

Little One

The "little one" found my back yard to be quite a haven. At first I refused to feed her thinking she would go back home but I saw how skinney she was and offered her a bowl of food. She devoured it in no time at all. She was litteraly starving! I would find her sleeping under the chairs in the back yard or under my pine tree. She wouldn't let you near her and would zoom around the yard. She wouldn't come in the house or use a litterbox. I did the usual inquires for a lost cat with no results so I needed to find a home for her fast because winter was coming. A friend at work, Joan, has a farm in Akron and she came to my house to look at her and wanted to take her right then but the little one zoomed off. I knew she would be perfect for the farm life and was determined to catch her. A couple weeks later I managed to get her in my cats carrier (believe me, this was very hard) and took her to work. Joan took the "little one" home to the farm and named her Baby Doll. That was October 2008. She still lives on the farm and earns her keep by catching mice. She loves the pigs and the chickens and does not hurt either. Joan and her husband love Baby Doll and Baby Doll loves them. I feel very good that I found another stay cat a perfect home.

Elizabeth Smith
Cheektowaga, NY



Freddy is one of the most adorable cats I have ever seen. He appeared in my back yard one year ago. I did many inquiries about him and no one new anything. One day he was limping so I took him to the vet. He had an abscess on his leg. The vet fixed it and I nursed him back to health. My main problem was I already had two older cats (15 years old) and they did not like Freddy at all. My friend, David, at work came over to see him and instantly fell in love with him. David already has one cat and a dog which Freddy gots along with. We split the neuter bill and Freddy lives in his new home and is doing great!

Elizabeth Smith
Cheektowaga, NY

Sweet Faith

Sweet Faith

Faith was found by a local rescue group, Home At Last. She was living under a storage shed and had several puppies. Lucky for me they took her and her puppies in. After all the puppies were weaned, Faith came home with me. She was a real sweetie. She taught me how to be a better person and I taught her how to be a dog.
She was a gift. My first best friend. Together we shared
many wonderful moments that added up to a special life.We got to spend 10 great years together and I will miss her so. She went home not too long ago and I hope that she now has endless fields full of bunnies to chase, cold clear water that never dries up, and deep,cool shade of enormous trees to lie under.
I am forever thankful to Home At Last for giving me the life I had with her. She will always be in my heart.

Trisha E. Brown
Salvisa, KY

Oakie is one lucky cat

Oakie is one lucky cat

Oakie was found by my brother and his wife while they were vacationing on Okracoke Island in North Carolina's Outer Banks. Oakie was this skinny little cat that showed up at their vacation cottage shortly after their arrival. My sister-in-law felt sorry for him and began feeding him. He spent the entire week camped out on the front porch, and they continued to feed him. When the time came for them to leave, they couldn't bear to leave him behind, so they called my mother and me. The rest is history. Oakie is now a fat happy cat who loves to cuddle with "his Mama" (that's me).

Eileen Gilliland
Parkville, MD

Former Puppy Mill Mom becomes a Pampered Princess

Former Puppy Mill Mom becomes a Pampered Princess

Roxy spent the first two years of her young life as a Puppy Mill Mom. When she wouldn't breed, she found herself in a high kill shelter to be disposed of by the breeder. Cape Fear Golden Retriever Rescue saved Roxy's life, giving her a Second Chance and a new beginning for a life she deserved.
Roxy was very unhealthy, she had stage three heart worm and wasn't socialized. She was terrified of everyone and everything. My husband and I adopted Roxy through CFGRR.
Today she is very healthy, very happy, and very much loved by our family. It has taken a lot of time and patience with her, but it has been well worth every minute to see her become the sweet, gentle, and very loving Golden Girl she is today.
She enjoys spending her day at the beach swimming with her 14 yr. old Golden brother Taz , who has been a big part of her recovery.

Sandy Brinton
Cedar Point, NC

Baxter The Puppy Nobody wanted

Baxter The Puppy Nobody wanted

I have been sick for over 20 years.. My will to go on was diminishing.. I have a wonderful family but I when I'm up at night with pain I go downstairs so I won't disturb anyone. I lost my dog Que Tip in Early September 2005. I was so upset. In Late May 2006 my daughter brought me a beautiful Long hair Chihuahua.He was so beautiful. So scared and tiny. He had been raised by a wonderful breeder but he never sold. He was so shy. He hid from me for a while..It was love at first sight for me. I was patient with him but before the end of the week he never left my side..He goes everywhere with me. He is my medicine that I so desperatly needed.. He keeps my spirts up when I'm down.He is so Loyal and would protect me at all costs. He even tried to protect me from a German Shephard that came into my yard. The Shepard pick up my tiny dog and shook him but nothing else happened to my Baxter thank God. Ooh I screamed so loud and the Shepard released him. My dog is precious to me. I don't know what I would have done without him. He is such a beautiful dog..I don't know how I got so lucky.. No ever believes me when I say nobody wanted him. I loved him so much I got him a Wife. Jenny. We found her on Pet finder in March 2008. I love my dogs..I believe I more than found the will to go on!!

Elva Aguinaga
Whittier, CA

Scobie The Pitbull mix

Scobie The Pitbull mix

Scobie was rescued from a home as a puppy. The owners didn't think he was cute as puppy so they only fed him when they remembered. My grandaughter Marilyn loved him an took him home with her. Scobie was only 8 weeks old. Scobie soon became too big for her small apartment and she wasn't allowed to have a dog. She had to find him a home or take him to shelter or she would be evicted. She lived in Arizona I live in Califonia. She called me crying begging her grandfather to take him. He told her No. It's a pitbull. And we already have small dog. Marilyn brought the dog to meet us anyway..And who could resist that face. There is not a mean bone in his body.. Scobie won us over in 5 seconds flat. He hopped in our truck as if that was the plan to win us over.. We could never give him up.. He is such a happy boy..He brings a toy to whoever is around. he even tries to make the gardener play with him.. Our special Scobie is even nice to our Baxter and two other rescued doggies.. he kisses all of them..I've changed my mind about pitbulls.. He is the most wonderful loving dog who is grateful to have a home, food, water and someone to play with..

Elva Aguinaga
Whittier, CA