Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Own Personal Angel

My Own Personal Angel

Following the passing of my previous dog. I asked the LA Shelter volunteer for an older dog and out came this bouncing pup who jumped up as if to say "I am with you". She is my heart, my soul, my everything. And every day this angel teaches me about unconditional love as that is what she gives 24/7. She is the most wonderful, loving companion I could ever have asked for and she truly is ...the love of my life and has been for the past 9 years.

Los Angeles, CA

Rescued from a neglectful neighbor!

Rescued from a neglectful neighbor!

When I moved to Colorado two years ago to live with my sister, I had never had a dog before. But I fell in love with her two labs... and began walking them every day. Sage, a chocolate lab next door, was never walked and was left alone all day every day in her backyard. I often heard her crying. My heart went out to her, and with the owner's permission, I began walking and feeding her every day. He definitely considered her 'property' so it took some persuading ... but she was so grateful ... and finally, when she would no longer willingly go "home", the owner asked if I wanted to adopt her. I said, "Yes!" Both Sage and I were ecstatic! She is so sweet and dear, clever and loving ... we can't imagine life without each other now.

Lynn Rodden
Carbondale, CO

Pookey Brewster

Pookey Brewster

We already had 3 dogs (a Chihuahua, a tiny Min. Pin. and a German Shepherd/Collie mix) so I don't know why I was browsing the rescue website. It was there in front of the computer that my husband found me, crying like a baby, with Pookey Brewster's sad little face staring back at me. His "story" said he needed a family with a mom and dad who would love him and understand him, and brothers and sisters to play with and snuggle with. He was well underweight, and had 2 luxating patella's. My Min. Pin. had already had hip surgery, so I figured what's 1 more tiny Chihuahua added to the mix. a Month later we were on our way to Louisville, Kentucky to meet Pookey, and bring him home. Pookey spends every day thanking us for his family, his 2 knee surgeries, and his forever home!

Ginger Rohde
Carol Stream, IL

My Love Affair With Bullies

My Love Affair With Bullies

My best friend Kristen passed away suddenly in february 2007. I grieved for her so much that I could bearly function. In December of 2007 I decided I needed to get happy. What better way to focus my grief but on something to love. I found her in Indianapolis, IN from ASTRO a pit bull rescue. I got Dharma in January 2008. I feel in love with her and her breed, She has given me as much love as I have given her. There in starts the bigger story. I feel so hard for her that I needed to give more love to a bullie. I adopted May Bull from my local animal shelter in April 2008. I then needed more to love I adopted Whisper from Memphis TN from Memphis Pit Bull Safe Haven. I then had the pleasure of adopting a senior bullie from Athens, GA his name is Cooper he was adopted thru Second Chance At Life Rescue out of New Jersey. I'm now waiting for my 5th from Athens GA once again with the help & love of Second Chance his name is Zoomba. I have mud in my backyard and dog hair in my bed but boy do I get loads of bullie kisses everyday. I thank my dear friend Kristen and the love she showed to others by her actions for my blessings with the bullies!!!!

Peace & Pit Bulls

Kimberley A. Combs
Middletown, OH

My dog was rescued by a mounted patrolman

My dog was rescued by a mounted patrolman

My husband and I were preparing to purchase our home and the first thing we wanted was a dog to share it with us. My best friend and I went to our local animal shelter on our lunch hour "just to look." Up front in the glass window was the cutest thing I had ever seen, a 3-month old lab/shepard mix. He immediately stole our hearts. The shelther workers told us he had a unique story. He had been found that morning by a mounted police officer downtown. The officer did not want anything to happen to him, so he carried him on the horse with him all morning until the shelter opened and he could drop him off where he would be safe. My husband and I adopted him 3-days later and named him Token, as he is our "Token" child.

Lisa Schmidt
Rochester, NY

Orange joins the family

Orange joins the family

We already have 2 stray cats who came along and decided to stay. My husband calls me the "Cat Whisperer" because cats seem to just show up and not leave! One day, Orange showed up, dirty, shy and he had a strange kink in his tail. We think he's a victim of the home foreclosure fall-out in our neighborhood. Orange has blossomed into an awesome friend. He's very affectionate, like he's thanking us for taking him in. I can't imagine life without him now, he's a welcome addition to our family.

Ceres, CA



I needed to lose weight, to do so, I needed to walk more so I put an add out for a Walking Companion on Craig's List. His former two owners had been military personal who had to leave the states and couldn't take Lucky with them. Lucky after have two homes, now has a forever home where he will be totally spoiled forever.

Melissa Tackett
Las Vegas, NV

Willie Wolf's Story

Willie Wolf's Story

We fell in love with Willie the first moment we saw him run out to us with his five brothers. Someone else was also interested in getting him, but after the breeder saw that he picked us too, he was ours!! Shortly after, we took Willie to our veterinarian expecting to hear that he was a healthy guy. To our shock, we were told that his skin did not look right. Westies should have a nice pink belly and ears, especially when a puppy. However, Willie's skin was darker, indicating bad allergies or worse. They suggested we return the puppy or take him to a specialist. We went to a specialist, only to be told our puppy would be sick most of his shortened life. That he would require costly medications, which will probably cause some serious side effects in the long run. We were horrified!! When we talked with the breeder, they said the best they could do was to pay for having Willie put to sleep. NO! Not our baby boy!! We had fallen in love with him and had to give him a fair chance.

Willie has been enjoying a wonderful, happy, energetic, and long life. He loves gardens, chasing birds, riding in cars, and snuggling with whomever is willing. Yes, his medications add up fast. But so do all of his kisses and the smiles he creates. We've been blessed to have Willie for 14 years so far. He likes shorter walks and longer naps now. He is also is fighting some major liver issues, caused by years of medications. But he remains the Pick of the Litter. We know we made the right choice!

Lynda and Dave Wolf
Maple Grove, MN

Daisy taught me the importance of rescuing animals

Daisy taught me the importance of rescuing animals

Daisy was my first rescue dog. I originally planned to foster her because I wasn't sure whether my older dog, Dulcie, would accept her (Dulc had been an "only child" for 10 years and considered herself the Queen of the house). However, the very first day I brought Daisy home, I realized there was no way I could ever give her up, so I told Dulcie she'd just have to get used to having a sister. I'd always heard that when you rescue an animal they knew you saved their life, but never realized how true it was until Daisy. I'd bought Dulcie in a pet store and I knew she loved me, but it was obvious that Daisy adored me. That was 11 years ago. Dulcie has been gone for five years and Daisy's health is failing, but I will never forget what a comfort both of them, and my latest rescue, Daphne, have been to me through some difficult times. They are the loves of my life and I'll never have another pet who isn't a rescue!

Alexandria, VA



I wanted to adopt a Pit Bull since there are so many in the shelters.
I had had no experience with them.
This little guy had arrived at the Orange Shelter as a stray, in very bad condition, obviously suffering from neglect.
He has turned out to be the smartest, sweetest, most eager to please dog I have ever owned.
These dogs return nothing but love after leading awful lives, in some cases.
I will always adopt from now on.

Janice Ebert
Orange, VA