Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

17 Years & Still Going!

17 Years & Still Going!

When my husband and I heard of a 16 year old cat that had been in a small cage at a no-kill shelter for six years, we knew she was for us. Already having a house with three seniors cats, we thought Gladys would fit right in. And she has! She's also inspired us and the people who've met her to give senior pets a chance. Our vet says she has another five years in her!

Lara Compton
Sealy, TX

Amazing Puppy Recovers

Amazing Puppy Recovers

In 1993, my boyfriend (now husband) & I went to the local shelter, saw 10-week old India (lab/shep mix) and fell in love. We brought her to the vet that day and she warned us that distemper was rampant at that shelter. Sure enough, 2 days later, she had distemper. The vet said it would cost $500 to treat her, and 80% of puppies die from it. We looked at each other, money was tight, but we said "Go ahead, we love her." This pic shows her 6 months before her death, at 14 1/2 years. Such a good girl...

Cleveland, OH

The Hiking Cat

The Hiking Cat

Abandoned when a family moved, he dodged coyotes and hunted to survive. Returning form a month away at work, neighbors told me about a stray cat. I put out food, soon a very skinny golden tabby showed up, I named him Flaco. He decided to take a chance on another human, and in November 2005 moved in to take care of me. He taught me to "heel", and takes me for daily walks or short hikes. No leash is needed, he keeps me close. After my knee replacement surgery, he was my "purr therapist", supervising the home health care team. He escorted me out on walker and crutches to keep up the healing. Flaco is FIV positive. He takes his interferon nightly to maintain his now robust form and health.

Carole Chowen
Grand Junction, CO

My Sweet Rescue Kitty!

My Sweet Rescue Kitty!

My daughter and I were at our local shopping center when we saw a flash of gold moving in one of the bushes. It was a young cat. When my daughter went and tried to get it, she saw an even smaller kitty behind him, a tiny ball of dirty fur who was curled up in some leaves. My daughter reached for both cats but was only able to get the small kitty, who became our Wendy. That was 4 years ago and now Wendy is a beautiful happy girl who has two kitty sisters and a kitty brother to keep her company. And to add to the happy ending, we fould out a few weeks later that the other kitten, her brother, was rescued into a nice home as well!

Maribeth E. Nolan
Centreville, VA

Thanks Camden County Animal Shelter

Thanks Camden County Animal Shelter

My husband wanted to rescue two kittens but when we got to the shelter he was immediately drawn to Sailor, whose all-knowing gaze was intently fixed on him. I just wanted to help the most pathetic and unsocialized cat I could find. Beacon was sitting in his litter box and shaking all over and I knew from those big eyes, I had to get him home. They couldn't be more different from each other and we couldn't be happier to share our hearts and lives with them.

Linda Meiberg
Philadelphia, PA

Our Rescue Pack

Our Rescue Pack

This is our pack from left to right - Itsa, Bratt, Tubba & Shivers they are 4 of our 6 rescued dogs. They are a big part of our family and want to be part of everything we do. In this picture they are doing one of the things they love most, going for a ride around the farm with our daughters on the 4-wheeler, If they here the motor start they all go running like kids in an amusement park. They had a really rough start in life but are very happy now and they let us know with all the love and devotion they give us everyday. We are as thankful for them as they are for us.

Ponce De Leon, FL

The Tale of 27 Horses Rescued

The Tale of 27 Horses Rescued

Meet Gracie and Baby Cakes. These 2 girls were part of a rescue mission of 27 starving and unhandled horses. Cakes, on the right, was not expected to live. She was so weak she collapsed when we were rounding up the horses to remove them from the property. Gracie was also very weak and we thought we had lost her at one point during the mission. Their 1-year anniversary is coming up in June 2009, and we are happy to report that they not only have survived and rehabilitated beautifully, but have done so with gusto. They are both happy, healthy, now love people and are ready to find a permanent home, both girls are just gorgeous! Please come read their whole story of survival, as well as others, at Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation in WI website,

Karen Bayerl
Pittsville, WI

The rest of the story....Stella

The rest of the story....Stella

So... after rescuing another dog she died after a year,leukemia, so sad and heartbreaking . I just had to adopt another dog ! So we went online on pet finders and again found one at Elm Brook , her name was Stella she was abandoned and found wandering the streets.She was taken in by a couple who wanted to keep her but had to many pets to keep. She had some medical problems that we worked out with the vet we have used for many years and she has since become a healthy and very muscular dog (rotty/bassethound).We took Duke out to meet her and they got along just great! So now our family is complete! kids are grown and gone on their own ways and we have kids again! They make our lives complete!

Kathleen O'Keefe
Milwaukee, WI

Another Homeward Trails Success Story in Arlington, VA

Another Homeward Trails Success Story in Arlington, VA

Master Brodie, as we call him, was adopted from Homeward Trails Animal Rescue -
in July 2008.

Brodie was found wandering the hills of North Carolina and brought in to the Kingston Animal Shelter. I am told that he made friends right away - was named Brodie - and was full of energy and love. He was ~7months old when he was found.

Homeward Trails interviewed me - visited my home, and qualified me as a good foster mom. Within a week, Brodie made the trek from Kingston, NC to Arlington, VA.

He's a gorgeous American Labrador Retriever. He loves the water, chases ALL kinds of birds - little birds, Doves, Ducks - you name it - he chases it. Squirrels included!!!

He likes his big Sister kitty - more than she likes him.

He loves going to Doggie-Day-Care at Fur-Get-Me Not. They are nurturing and loving and been great working with Brodie and Mom.

He has graduated from Beginner training, and actually has developed manners - whoo hoo! The word "STAY" was not one of the words he retained though!!!

He's a love and I couldn't have found a better Rescue Pup. I found him through ... & Homeward Trails

Ms. Alex Markwell
Arlington, VA



We went to Elm Brook Humane Society about 6 years ago to look for a rescue after a long battle with cancer with our other dog. We originally went there to look at another dog .... But when we saw DUKE, we fell in love with him, we took him outside for a meeting and he captured our hearts! He was 5+years old and he was dumped off because his family didn't want him anymore no reasons given. He has brought so much joy to our lives . I have R.A. and he seems to know when I'm not feeling well and stays by my side constantly. What more could you want for a companion! By the way I thought he might be lonely and we adopted another one later.... that will be the next story.

Kathleen O'Keefe
Milwaukee, WI