Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Our Brassy

Our Brassy

Our cat of 11 years "Jasper" (whom we saved from "death row" at our local humane society) passed due to an illness 5 years ago, We decided to adopt again. We adopted our "Brassy" who was also on "death row". She has been the perfect addition to our family. She is now 11 years old and though she can't see very well (if you'll notice she is very "cross-eyed"), she is the light and laughter of our days!! I urge everyone to adopt from your humane society, these pets are truly in need of good homes and lots of love. Even if you cannot adopt, I'm sure any donations of money food, toys and time would be a big help for these homeless animals. Please contact your local humane society and see what you can do to make a difference.

Cathy Owen
Fort Smith, AR

Frankie - King of the dogs

Frankie - King of the dogs

Frankie showed up early last summer while I was out walking the dogs. (We have three bulldogs and one beagle.) He was just a tiny kitten someone had put out. My husband is allergic to cats; but we decided to keep one more stray. It's turned out that Frankie doesn't set off the allergies. He loves chasing the dogs around and they love him. My deaf bulldog, Munson, is particularly fond of Frankie. The only problem is that Frankie gets slobbered a lot with all the doggie kisses.

Annette Foster
Taylors, SC

I was just driving to work, minding my own business...

I was just driving to work, minding my own business...

when, as I was about to turn into work, I caught a glimpse of a stray, starving dog walking down the side of the road. He hesitantly came to me as I talked to him. He had no collar and I just had to take him with me, even if for the night, to get him off the road. I took him to work with me, and he just slept all night long. I took him home with me in the morning, but didn't intend to keep him, as I already have a dog and two cats at home, but he quickly became attached to me, and followed me everywhere, and he was such a good dog! So, after notifying animal control and putting an ad in the paper for a found dog, with no calls, Bentley is officially mine and loving his new home and life! He also goes to work with me every night! My co workers just adore him. I adore him too, and I love his company!

Kristen Leigh
Shepherdstown, WV

Mille, Katrina Recue

Mille, Katrina Recue

Hurricane Katrina and it's aftermath was a devastating time for not only the people of New Orleans, but the many abandoned animals as well. After the storm and when the city finally reopened to those residents who could return, we found Millie in a curbside gutter. She was the sole surivor of her litter with the mama cat deceased as well. Millie was barely alive and was only about 3 weeks old. Knowing she couldn't survive alone, we rescued her and bottle fed her every 4 hours until she could take solid food. She is now a much loved and amusing addition to our family. We attribute her extraordinarily good hunting skills to her questionable heritage from the streets of New Orleans. She and our Golden Retriever are very close and play together as though they are true sisters. Millie is quite a survivor and definitely hit the Kitty Jack Pot when we found her and brought her to live within our loving caring family. We are proud we were able to save at least one of the many animals that perished during and following the terrible disaster of Hurricane Katrina. We affectionately refer to her as our "Katrina Gutter Cat" who had the will (with our help) to survive, thrive, and become a treasured member of our family.

Belinda C. Sanchez
Baton Rouge, LA

Allie Finds A Home

Allie Finds A Home

While driving down a back road on the way to work one day, I came across the most pitiful dog I'd ever seen! She was a skeleton with fur hanging off in big clumps. I alway carry food in my car; so I opened the door to give her food, and she flew into the front seat of my car and wouldn't move. I took her to the vet and had her checked out. She is a full-blooded German Shepherd but with deformed ears.
Allie is the sweetest and most affectionate dog I've ever had.

Nancy Dowdey
Rossville, TN

Our Perfect Girl!

Our Perfect Girl!

This is Jackie (or by her 'full' name Jackie Gingersnap!). We adopted her from the Toronto Humane Society in October 2003 after her television appearance on CP24. She was just so beautiful, and her story of being abandoned in an apartment after her original owners moved broke our hearts. We knew then we just had to have her! She was 8 years old at that time, and she also had had cancerous tumors removed from her front legs, with a 50/50 chance of it returning. That did not deter us in the least! We took her home, gave her all the love & attention we could pour out, and she fell in love with us too. Her cancer did come back - in both legs - but thanks to the great folks at the Ontario Vet College in Guelph, Ontario Canada, we had the tumors removed and radiation done. I've always believed in fate, and we were meant to see that TV interview that day. She chose us, as much as we chose her and she has brought far more to our lives than we can ever give her!"

Laura Lawton & Chuck Magee
Whitby, Canada

Friends Forever

Friends Forever

Seated on their own futon are Susie and Malcolm. Both came to me with little past and only prayer for the future. Neither one of them needed to worry one day more when it came to their fate. My heart consumed their pain; opening a space for the love I saved for them.
The large black fury baby is Susie. She is considered a Great Dane, but somehow, she thinks of herself as a lap dog. I wont try to tell her differently. She was in a foster home when she came to me, and had never seen the inside of a house. She had been beaten, kept on a leash outside, and barely fed. I cringe at her past.
Susie now has her own bed, and I sleep on the floor. Kidding, but trust me, she gets most of my bed.
Malcolm was thrown out of a car window and wandered down the street to my home. He walked up to my deck, politely introduced himself, ate dinner, and decided not to go any further. He chose me. I am forever grateful. He did fall in love with Susie, so he too, occupies my bed.
I don't have much information on Malcolm except that he was seen being thrown from a car window in my neighborhood. The car sped away, and like I said, he walked up my driveway and decided to stay.
I have two other rescue dogs, but when my eighty-six year old Mother moved in with me, they decided to move into her room, and believe you me, they are VERY spoiled too.
My Mother cooks them Lentils, chicken, and many other dishes.
I feel very blessed to be a Doggie Mom for my fury friends. Enjoy their photos and updates.

Anita L. Dibble
Summerfiedl, FL

King-the Little Prince

King-the Little Prince

After my 1st rescued Pug-Pudgey (my baby boy), passed away, I didn't think that I could rescue another dog for some time. But everyday I could see my baby girl (Pug) Maggie, getting more depressed. She even started having seizures, something she has never had. My Mom was looking on the rescue sites & found a "book-end" for Maggie. King, like Maggie, has a crooked-jaw & long tongue, but King's is REALLY long! King is such a sweet boy & has really made Maggie into the "Mommy" she loves to be. He loves to play with other dogs, and is a calm to Maggie's storm (she's a bit energetic). If you're considering rescuing an animal, it's a commitment. They need veterinary care like all of your pets (babies)should have, but what they really need is TLC. King was obviously abused because he still flinches when anything/anyone comes near his head. He has learned to trust his Mama (me) and his Aunt, but is still a work-in-progress. My family rescues because it is so rewarding, it can NOT be put into words.

Orlando, FL

Kitten love

Kitten love

We found our precious "Sir Kit Optimus Prime Jr." at the SPCA Canadienne in Montreal, Quebec. Initially fostering him, we fell in love with him immediately. He is the most lovable kitten and sleeps curled up next to our faces purring every night. He is also mischievous and enjoys stealing my make-up brushes! He keeps us great company while doing school work and loves sitting on our laptops, which is how this picture was taken! He is absolutely fearless (other than from the vacuum cleaner - it startles him!) and is like our own little guard cat. Not to mention he is super tough wearing his little pink piglet collar and black t-shirt. Be sure to adopt a shelter animal if you get the chance to, it is the most fulfilling experience finding an animal you love while knowing that you helped save their life!

David Sterling
Norfolk, MA

Love of my life!

Love of my life!

Emmit was one of many barn kittens that my dad has saved. I had just lost my favorite cat, Floyd, and was so lonely without him. My dad said he had this really outgoing kitten living in his bathroom that he thought would be a match. He drove him 4 hours to be with me. That night Emmit jumped in bed and slept in the exact same spot Floyd used to. He has had my heart ever since!

Sarah F
westlake, OH