Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Thank you Maggie.....

Thank you Maggie.....

I have had many cats over the years, but Casey was a beautiful calico tabby, born on a cattle ranch, and one of the most unique and wonderful cats I have ever experienced. She developed an inoperable Fibrosarcoma at 11 and by 14 we had made the decision to put her down.

I was so distraught at the loss of her but my husband Ken and I both knew we wanted another cat. I went out looking the very next day. There are so many to rescue, we couldn't see a reason to wait. We also have a rescue cat Hannah and wanted to have a companion back for her as well.

After looking in all the stores that have rescue adoptions on the weekends here, I found Maggie way downtown. The moment our eyes met, I knew. I called my husband to come and see what he thought.

She came to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona in Tucson at 8 months old and pregnant. After being spayed and recovery time, she had just come up for adoption that morning.

Had I not gone out searching, we would have missed getting her. She is a wonderful addition to our home. She is always giving us forehead bumps, and we're pretty sure that's her way of saying "thanks for letting me fill such big paws."


Diana & Ken Steinke
SaddleBrooke, AZ



Elphaba is now a 75 pound lab, but her life was almost over before it began.

In July of 2004, 84 labs were removed from the premises of a dog breeder in Larimer County, Colorado. Fifty of thos dogs were so ill that they didn't make it.

Elphaba was one of the survivors.

She and her two siblings along with their mother had been in a small travel size carrier for at least 4 days without food or water.

There were hundreds of people in the state that signed up to adopt these dogs. We had to attend a meeting and fill in a long questionaire about why we wanted one of these dogs (we had lost our first rescued lab earlier that year), how we would deal with whatever issues they might have, who would care for her when we couldn't.

We were really delighted when we "won the lottery" and got to bring her home. We had the distinction of being the family that lived farthest away from Larimer County to adopt one of the 30 survivors.

She's a great dog, friendly and happy -- we're glad we were able to be her rescuers.

As for her name, Elphaba is the Wicked Witch of the West from the musical "Wicked" -- but our daughter's name is Dorothy, and the first lab we had was Toto --- it just seemed to fit!

Bev Haring
Colorado Springs, CO

Wondering the streets...

Wondering the streets...

My daughter found this beautiful little girl - lab/terrier mix - wondering the streets on a rainy, cold day in a city that is known for dog fighting. She was about 6 weeks old. Terrified that she would be used for daughter picked her up and brought her home. Now, mind you, we already have two other dogs, two cats and two rabbits at this point. We really did not want another dog. However, she has brought so much joy and laughter...we can't imagine what life would be like without her to keep our other two dogs occupied. She is a riot to watch, full of energy and very protective of her family. We just love our Sassy!!

Debbi Thuesen
Waterford, MI

Three Angels Came Our Way

Three Angels Came Our Way

A young man found three newborn kittens in the local Walmart parking lot who had been abandoned by their mother. Their umbilical cords were still attached. He brought them to me because he knew I was a volunteer at our local city animal shelter. I happened to have kitten formula and bottles so I was prepared to begin bottle feeding immediately. Six months later, all three babies are thriving, healthy, fun and the most loving cats I have ever known. One even gives kisses on the lips! And they come when called. We are so blessed by these three angels who came our way and became part of our family...

Vicki Adkins
Edmond, OK

Chance, sweet loving dog despite allergies and Cushing's Disease

Chance, sweet loving dog despite allergies and Cushing's Disease

I met Chance in 2001 when he was 4 years old at a humane society. He had been found with an injured right front leg that he could no longer use. It was bent and had nerve damage. I had just gone to the shelter to humor a friend that had gone through surgery for her thyroid. We ended up seeing him a couple of times there. I had to adopt him. Later the useless leg was removed but never affected his walking (he was used to not using it anyway). He has the sweetest disposition despite suffering from allergies (he gets weekly antigen injections) and Cushing's disease. He's a wonderful and loving companion that loves his fellow canine, feline and rabbit "siblings".

Christine Palmier
Lakewood, CA

Corey Ander

Corey Ander

Corey Ander came into my life soon after he had been sprung from his jail at a breeder's facility which was closed down by the state due to horrible conditions. The rescue people removed him from a small wire cage, one that he was only taken out when he was needed for breeding. He existed in that cage for the first 3 years of his life. He was scared and horribly matted. I had applied to adopt a bichon frise from the breed rescue and they asked if I would take an abused kid since I had some experience with rescue dogs in the past. Corey came into my life named Frosty. He would run away to a hiding place if any human came hear him. His name was changed to Corey (his grandma nicknamed him Corey Ander) because I didn't want him to have to have a name that reflected his horrible early life. And, he was not cold at all. He was a new guy at my house.

It has taken 8 years, but Corey is almost a regular guy now. He runs and plays with his toys (something he had never seen before) and pushes his little sister around. If he gets scared, he sometimes goes into a special place in his mind. But if that happens, his mom (me) gives him belly rubs and he comes back to normalcy. He is THE watchdog in the family.

Rescue kids are the best and Corey Ander is the best big guy in my house!

Bonnie J.
Philadelphia, PA

Annalivia, Liv for short

Annalivia, Liv for short

Whilst walking my other rescue, Adam Clayton, we came upon this wild beast unattended in her yard. Like maybe 8 weeks old and she was intent on following us. I scooped her up and went to the door, had a conversation, partially in Spanish (which I don't speak) and came to understand they didn't really care one way or the other. They kept her till we were gone, however. I had 3 dogs already but when I walked the little man that way several days later, I let her follow us home. My husband was all like, you can't steal people's dogs! I was all like, they probably watched us walk away. Anyway, crazy, fierce, sweetest and silliest dog ever. She does pick fights with the little man...

Atlanta, GA

Raising Ella

Raising Ella

We rescued Ella from a backyard breeder 1 1/2 years ago. She was one of 10 puppies. Her brother, Boston, already lived with us and we couldn't stand knowing that she was about to be sold to someone who possibly would fight her or turn her into a breeding machine. So, we came to her rescue!

She's a fantastic dog, full of energy, dog friendly, people friendly and she runs super-fast. When we try to catch her (when we're playing), I liken it to trying to catch a greased-pig!

Kelley Stewart-Lahr
Muncie, IN

They saved Me

They saved Me

After unexpectedly losing my 16 year old persian I knew my life was going to be way to empty. I went to a local shelter the very next day and adopted Vee Vee and BIG Buddy. These are the sweertest cats I have ever seen. After getting them home and settled I laid on the floor to watch TV took a deep breath and began to cry. Suddenly there was Big Buddy rubbing his face on mine wiping my tears away. I knew then I had made the right decision for all of us. Three years and one kitten addition later we are one big happy family.

St. Louis, MO

Gracie knew...

Gracie knew...

She kept coming to my husband's job site. Just a little puppy. He followed her home and talked to the owners. They didnt really want her and just let her run loose.
So he brought her home till 'we found a home for her'. We all know how that goes!!! She's 8 now, and a lovey tail wagging gal. Has her own fenced in yard and prefers it outside, but likes the bed at night too!

melinda w sowder
ellettsville, IN