Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



When I was five years old all I wanted was a white cat so I could name her Snowflake. When my parents took me to the local animal shelter however, I was instantly drawn to a little black kitten with white markings. I loved the cat, but I also still loved the name, so I took her home and called her Snowflake anyway. That black cat named Snowflake and I have been inseparable ever since, right up until a few days ago when she passed away. She was my best friend for fifteen years and I will never forget her.

Melrose, FL



Lulu was found on a rainy day in the avenue near my house.My husband was walking our 2 dogs and they led him to her.She was about 2 months,wet and trembling.They brought her home and she has been with us for five years now and thinks she is the queen of the house.We loved her very much.

Carmen Nilsa Lugo
Guaynabo, PR

Master Romo Hayes

Master Romo Hayes

Hi! I'm Romo. Somebody decided I wasn't worth keeping and dumped me along a road in Amarillo, Texas where luckily I was found before I got run over (I'm tiny you know). The nice man took me to the Amarillo SPCA, a no-kill shelter (thank God!) until someone could take me home permanently. But I was very sick and my future looked dim. That is until my mommy came to the Shelter looking for ME (yes, specifically ME!) She took me to her vet, Dr. Demere, and he kept me for a week and saved my life. Now I live with my human parents and fellow Pekingese Taz, my dad, China, my mom, and brother Boo, who is also adopted. My dog parents couldn't have puppies, so Boo and I are their kiddos. And yes, we are all spoiled rotten but I think I'm the favorite...


Thank you Amarillo SPCA for caring!!!!!!

lori hunnicutt-hayes
amarillo, TX

Spike's rescue

Spike's rescue

One New Year's Eve I was driving down our dirt road and discovered three puppies, about eight weeks old sitting by the side of the road looking totally lost. Since the temperature was approaching ten degrees or so I stopped and herded the pups into the car. We found homes for two of the pups but Spike was so cute we couldn't bear to part with him. That was 14 years ago and today he is an adult German shepherd with short bowed legs, kind of funny looking but just as cute and loving as when we rescued him. He is slowing down a bit but has given us so much love and affection that I wouldn't trade him for any other dog.

Robert DeBurgh
Green Sea, SC

Our New Love  - Milo

Our New Love - Milo

We had our first dog, Roscoe, who was also a malamute mix, for 14 years. Our home was not a home without him and after showing my husband a numbers of pictures on the Northern Lights Sled Dog Rescue site, he picked out Milo (aka Kafka). He is a wonderful, loving, sweet member of our family and we consider ourselves very lucky to have been able to adopt him.

Chris Lamb
Kingston, IL



My neighbors had brought Jake home and had him outside, not even in a cage just running around their lawn. There were dogs and cats close, so I was so afraid they would kill him. I had never had a rabbit in my life. I knew nothing about them and in truth never wanted one, but I just could not let him get killed. I went over for a few days and gave him food and took him over to my house at night and then I asked my neighbors if I could take him and of course they said yes.

I had him behind a room divider in the house and went over to say good-night to him and he jumped over the divider and straight into my arms. This was the last time Jake ever went behind the divider. He now runs the house. He even uses a litter box. He now lives with another bunny, a Chow Chow, a Bulldog, and a Lhasa Apso and he is king of the castle. He keeps the other bunny and the 3 dogs in check even though he is 5 years old now. He has always lived with dogs and even walks like a dog instead of hopping most of the time. He goes out on the lawn to play and when I call his name he comes around the house and comes back in.

I don't know what made me ask for him that day, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. He is my angel.

Lesley Chrislip
Whitman, WV

Oliver and Katie

Oliver and Katie

Oliver, an Aussie mix we brought home from the local shelter as a puppy, had been part of our family for two years when we rescued Katie, a backyard puppy mill mom, nine months ago. Underweight, frail, and suspicious of everyone and everything at first, Katie has become the happy, healthy, and playful dog she deserves to be. As boisterous as she is timid, Oliver clearly shares the credit for her rehabilitation. He has taught her how to be a dog! They are now great friends, and we can't imagine life without either one of them.

Carol Erikson
Knoxville, TN

My Furry Daughters

My Furry Daughters

After volunteering at the animal shelter, I knew that my next animal or animals would definitely be coming from the shelter. I'd grieved the loss of my beloved dog, Ruby, and come to the conclusion that my house had been empty long enough. So last summer I thought I'd try fostering ... operative word here, "try." Shortly after bringing home these 2 girls I decided that there was no way I could give them up. So a new family was born! This is Izzy and Zena. Who knew that playing in the tub could be so much fun!

Stafford, VA

The Life of Riley

The Life of Riley

I believe in trap, neuter and return and am currently trapping at the local pet friendly Motel 6 and unfortunately some irresponsable guests leave with out their pets and this has created a huge ferel cat population residing in the woods next to the motel. One evening while setting traps I found this tiny white kitten about 5 weeks old under the bushes, she was very thin with an upper respiratory infection and had ring worm on the back of her neck where all the hair was missing. I took her to the vet the next day and started treating her ailments and slowly the infections cleared up and her appetitie returned. I take her every day to work where she runs around the office and then falls asleep in the chairs, on top of desks, and even in an open drawer. We all love her she is such a joy to have and she plays well with Jinx my bengal cat. We named her Riley and she has found her forever home.

Jeanne Roland
Punta Gorda, FL

On Being Deaf

On Being Deaf

I rescued ANgel when she was 12 weeks old, knowing she was deaf. We are coming up on her 10th birthday, and this little 5- lb. dog has accomplished so much. She is my soul. Here she is pictured with her with dear friends, Emmylou Harris and the Judd impersonators. Each April, Metro Animal Control puts on their "Tour for Life"; this year will be our tenth year. We spend the summer months promoting deaf dogs. ANgel is also a therapy and service dog and has recently started writing her own column in the local newspaper. She has been on the front page of the local newspaper twice, and yes, her name is spelled "ANgel". It means "an angel". You can visit ANgel's blog to see her friends:

Cookeville, TN