Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

An ode to Odie

An ode to Odie

I met Odie when he was 9 weeks old. He was the runt of his litter and was malnourished, with bald spots. I asked the lady how much she wanted for him as I held his tiny, bony body in my arms. She looked at him and told me I could take him for free. This boy stunk to high heavens, so I immediately gave him a bath, only to realize that he was full of fleas. 3 baths, a flea treatment, and thorough combing later, he was bug free and only smelled a little bit.
I wanted to name him something that meant guardian or protector and settled on Odin, God of War and death and poetry.
Odie is a black lab. I wanted a larger dog to help me with my anxiety, but Odie had far worse anxiety than I did. It took a few months to get him comfortable enough outside to go on a walk.
One day, while walking to a friend's house alone, I realized that I didn't second guess going on that walk at all. Helping Odie with his anxiety ended up helping me with mine.
They say you don't know love until you have a child. I say you don't know unconditional love until you have a dog.

Julianna Maggrah
Prince Albert, Canada

I saved Sammy

I saved Sammy

I recently lost my cat Reese. I was looking at cats looking for forever home through I saw an adorable calico cat & made arrangements to meet her - but I took home Sammy, a small black rescue cat from Puerto Rico. In the past 3 weeks we have bonded. He lets me know when he wants something, whether it's food, snuggling, or playing. He greets me when I get home. He had a tough beginning, being born after a hurricane in Puerto Rico, but now he's in a loving home with me. He's my buddy. I wake up in the morning with him snuggling with me.

Trish Blackwell

Bringing Home Elvis

Bringing Home Elvis

While visiting my kids in Memphis, TN recently, I found this sweet dog hanging around just wanting love. My kids said that he had been hanging around their house for 4 days and no one would claim him. Animal control was about to take him when I decided to take him home with me to south Mississippi. He is the sweetest fellow, and I'll never regret it. I named him Elvis, because he was found in the area of Graceland, Evis Presley's home.

Katherine Gross

Parvo puppy left at the Vet to be put down

Parvo puppy left at the Vet to be put down

This sweet girl acquired Parvo at 4 months and was taken to the Vet due to the unknown illness. Once diagnosed, the owner did not want to treat her, and requested that she be put down. The very sweet Vet asked if they would surrender her over, which they did. He immediately got to work and called the rescue in East Texas, which said "yes, we want her. Please start treatment right away." Dolly stayed in the hospital for 4 weeks, and this beauty survived. She is 18 months old and the love of my life.


Our Petey

Our Petey

We rescued 2-year-old Chip on my husband's birthday 13 years ago. We lost our sweet Chip on Super Bowl Sunday, 2019. We also lost my mother and two very dear friends between July and February. I was depressed, and became physically ill; when Chip passed away I was inconsolable. As fate would have it, my husband had an appointment Monday morning after the Super Bowl. He was so upset he told the told the fellow he was meeting with about losing Chip just hours before their meeting and showed him a picture of our dear boy. This lovely fellow said; "I have just the cat for you! His name is Michelangelo." He had recently rescued the young cat along with other animals from a home where the owner was unable to care for them. The Pascoe County Humane Society where he volunteers is open Thursday through Sunday. We had not thought about adopting so soon, but we made the over-an-hour drive on Thursday morning to meet Michelangelo, who we adopted and is now Petey. Petey is such a fun, sweet, loving little fellow who has helped me be happy again. Petey was very sick his first two weeks at home with us with an upper respiratory infection. After he recovered, he was ready for so many new experiences. Petey was a year old on April 28, 2019, and is now an seasoned motorhome traveler.

Kathy M

Socky, Our Sweet Survivor

Socky, Our Sweet Survivor

This handsome little guy was living in an old building on my parents’ farm. We had seen him around off and on, and my daughters named him Socks due to his white “stockinged” legs. One day we were outside and noticed he was watching us from a distance. He didn’t seem too scared of us, so we decided to approach him. He led my younger daughter to where he was apparently staying. He was sweet but scared. We gave him some dry cat food and he devoured it as if he hadn’t eaten in days. He stuck around and every day he would wait for my girls to feed him and give him love and attention. He quickly became more trusting of us and we all became very fond of this sweet little kitty. On Easter morning he was nowhere to be found. We looked everywhere and called for him but he never came. Later that evening we found him badly wounded. He had been attacked by raccoons and was in very bad shape. We took him to the vet and luckily he pulled through. We vowed that Socks would never have to worry about fighting for his food or his life, and my parents took him in. He is now safe and very happy. He is sweet and so playful. My parents give him all the love and attention he needs, and my girls still visit him every day. We feel it was fate that on Easter this precious little bundle of furry fun was rescued, and we feel he rescued us as well. We love him so much, and are so happy that little Socks chose us to love, too.

Mary Kieffer-Cabral

Rescuing Astro

Rescuing Astro

In March 2017 we lost our beloved Milo to aggressive cancer. I was heartbroken; he was such a gentle and loving boy. The next day when I went to work a co-worker told me that a relative of hers had passed away, and her kitty needed a home right away or he was destined for the shelter. I took one look at this lovable gray and white face and said, "He has a home. How soon can you bring him?" We had lost Milo on March 30, and on April 1 Astro came, bag and baggage. Having lived his entire 3 years with no feline companions and no man in the picture, he was understandably scared. We set up his carrier in a corner where he could see but have no fear. His food and water bowls were close by, but just far enough that he had to come out to get to them. His litter box was right there too. It took many weeks before his true personality began to bloom, and now, 2 years later, he is the most loving cat. He demands attention with an adorable squeak, and purrs like a semi. We lost our Elena in January of 2019, so for now, he is an only child and relishing all the attention.

Jeanne Lovell

Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

When I had to let my beautiful black cat Raven go after her battle with renal failure, the pain was worse than anything I'd ever experienced. A week and a half later, my friend's 13-year-old rabbit, a dwarf Hotot mix named Snoopy, also passed away. The double blow was just unbelievable for us both. After deciding that I wasn't quite ready for another cat, I realized how much I missed visiting Snoopy and started wondering about a rabbit for myself. I did some research and finally decided that a rescue would be the best choice because they could provide education and proper vet care. I made arrangements to visit the House Rabbit rescue in our area. After the educational class, we got to meet the available bunnies. None of them seemed too interested in me until I walked up to this big ruby-eyed white rabbit named Curtis, who was lying on the floor of his crate looking at his paws with this really sad expression on his face. When I said his name, he jumped up and literally threw himself at the side of his cage. Turned out the other people there for the class didn't like his red eyes and had turned him down. Is that why he looked so sad? I asked to see Curtis in the meet and greet area and although he was a bit shy at first, he finally came and lay down beside me for a nap. Everyone was shocked because he'd never done that with an adopter before. That settled it. I bought everything I needed and 4 days later I took him home. Every day I look into those bright, trusting ruby eyes and feel his love, and feel so thankful that I was rescued by this handsome, loving bunny.

Marie Carter

I love Lucy, Fred & Ethel

I love Lucy, Fred & Ethel

About a week after my long haired chi, Lucy, passed, I received a call from a woman that worked in my building, frantic that her son's mother-in-law had 2 sibling chis she was taking to the pound that day. Apparently her landlord wouldn't let her have them (I now think she just had no idea how to own dogs) as they were 8 months old, not housebroken, didn't know how to walk on a leash or go up steps, had no shots, were not neutered, and didn't know their names (Duke & Princess). I went and picked them up the same day. Best decision ever made. I renamed them Fred & Ethel and they are the joys of my life. Smart, funny and sometimes little brats, they have given me so much joy and comfort through some really hard times. They are bonded, and I can't imagine how they would have been in the pound or if they were separated.

Kate Noonan

Tennessee bound

Tennessee bound

Since being widowed my daughter says I needed a dog. She started sending me pictures of dogs up for adoption. I wanted them all. In June of 2016 we made a trip to Tennessee to visit my niece and go to the Nashville Flea Market. With the van loaded with grandkids and great nieces, we all saw this really skinny dog on the side of the road, covered in ticks. He was just like the pictures my daughter had sent me!! Got him in the van, got him to the vet, and being part pit bull he had scars. If you're reading this story you all know the ending. With a van full of flea market finds, me, my daughter, two grandkids, a kennel, and a dog with a new name: Mr. Beau Jangles, we headed back to Kansas. Oh what joy, all because my daughter sent me pictures of dogs just like him! ❤️

Kim maples