9 rescues

I had a beautiful Siamese named TC. He lived with me for 18 years, helped me raise my children, and when he passed, I cried my eyes out. After two years of missing him, I realized I still had love I could share.

I checked out my local animal shelter and found a beautiful gray Siamese, and the tag said he was a male. I got up early to go rescue him, only to find out this kitty was a girl and 9 months old. I still maned her Sammy, and we added Marie to her name later as she would meow Marieee Marieee. I was happy, it was me and her for the rest of my life.

My son in law would look after an older lady's animals and pets. When she had passed away, my son in law, who has a huge heart, brought all seven of her cats to me. There was no family to take them, so I thought I would foster them. Well it turns out, I'm terrible at fostering and they have been with me for the last 7 years.

Now 2 years ago, an older couple had passed away, and my granddaughter brought this huge gray kitty named Baby to me. He was very overweight and about 7 years old. She asked me to take care of him and he came with a trust fund of $200.00 to Pet Co. I was warned he was a talker. Well, he doesn't talk as much as my Marmalade Stitch does and isn't as loud, but he likes to bring me things, mostly cat beds and dish towels and anything he can drag down the hall to my room. He meows the whole time warning me he is coming with a gift.

I put him on a diet and showed him where the food was on a desk top and if he wanted to eat, he'd have to jump for it. After several months he had the jumping up with no issues; several months later I noticed he had a waist line. I was paying good money for his diet food, and it seemed all the other kitties liked it, too.

Now, I have, as I said, a Marmalade named Stitch, a solid black kitty with gold eyes named Coopur, two Norwegian forest cats, a brother and a sister, one named Robbie and the other we just called Twin because they look identical and we didn't put too much thought into her name, she seems to like it. We have a white cat, a little older, named Princess Kitty and it looks like her ears were removed, maybe she had skin cancer, I have no real history on these kitties. Then there is JJ, short for Jumbo Jet; he is an American short hair and prefers to live in the garage with his warm cat bed, fresh water cat food, and occasional treats. He caught a rat in the garage so he's my hero. My daughters Torby lives here too, she's older and loves having all these other kitties in her family.

So, my advice is to always have collars for your pets with your phone number and their name, and put your pets in your will please.
