A decision well made

I adopted Princess almost 6 years ago from a local animal shelter. She looks like a beagle, but we think that she may be a mix of beagle/jack russell.
My previous dog, Lucky, had died less than a week before I adopted Princess. I missed him very much and was encouraged by friends to start looking for another dog. One of my friends took me to a local shelter during a lunch break. They knew that I was looking for another "beagle". When we saw Princess, we both knew that she would be coming home with one of us.
I felt a bit guilty about adopting so soon after Lucky died so I didn't take Princess home that day. But I also felt guilty about leaving her at the shelter. The next morning I called the shelter and asked if she was still available. Not only was she available but they had started the paper work knowing that I would be back.
Princess' disposition was a perfect match for my household. To this day I can't understand how anyone could have given her up. She is bright and sweet. If I had to rate her on a scale of 1-10. I'd give her a 9. Why? She is extremely neat to the point of occasionally cleaning up after herself in the backyard if I don't get to it first. She even wants to show me where she left her treasures. It's how her hunting instinct manifests itself. This would turn a lot of people off. But I can overlook this fault because of her other positive qualities.
The day that I decided to adopt Princess was a decision well made.

Rita K.
Franklin Square, NY