About 10 years ago, we were hearing some kind of critter noise in our garage. This went on for several days but we were never able to put eyes on it. We live by woods, so we thought it was probably a squirrel, mouse, or raccoon. We purchased a live trap and set it up with food and water.
The next morning, we were surprised to find a tiny, tiny kitten. It was all alone and scared and so little! I knew this kitty had found it’s new home! I named it Gary. (I had told my grandsons my next cat would be named after Sponge Bobs’ pet snail, Gary, that meows like a cat) We took the kitten to the vet and were told “she” weighed 1 pound. “She” was approximately 4 - 5 weeks old. The vet checked her out and we took her home and the rest is history.
She is now 10 years old and still very small. She weighs 4 pounds and still looks like a kitten. We never found her mother or any other kittens. I had lost a cat about three months before. I believe this was serendipity!