A home for Maya

I lost my Staffordshire Terrier about 3 years ago and was heartbroken. Last August I moved into a new apartment and was ready for a new dog so I began looking at the rescues online. There were many puppies and dogs that I went to see but one in particular stood out. Her name is Maya. She looked scraggly and pathetic, when brought out to the play area all she would do was sit quietly next to me. She hardly had any fur and what she did have was dull. Her and her 7 other litter mates were dropped off at the Manatee Humane society by the owner of the Black Lab and Bloodhound, the owner of these two dogs hadn't had them fixed and didnt want puppies. Maya unfortunately came down with Parvo and had to be separated from her litter mates and all other dogs to prevent contamination. Then to top things off she got Demodectic Mange from the Parvo. She was almost 5 months old before she was able to be adopted, by then all the other puppies had found homes. Nobody wanted her because of how terrible she looked; I couldnt resist her. Now, 6 months later I have a beautiful dog who loves me, children, and pretty much everyone else. She loves to go to the dog park, beach and curl up in bed with me at night. While she still has a few health issues she will have forever I would never trade her. She knows what it is like to be homeless, and now she knows how it feels to be loved. I cant explain the love and happiness she gives me in return. Because of her fantastic disposition we will be continuing her training and eventually be a therapy dog.

Rhea Machado
Sarasota, FL