A Tree surprise

It was a cold winter morning, 30 degrees. I went to get the daily paper at the road about 120 feet from our house and heard a faint cry. I looked in the culverts and ditches to no avail and went back out to get the mail at 4 or so. This time I heard a screaming cry.

Traced the sound to a tree and thought whatever was inside. I looked up and down and about 30 feet up, I saw something moving on the large branch, so I went and got our ladder and climbed as far to the top as I could get. There were these little ears showing. Thought it was a raccoon, so I put on my construction gloves and called quietly. Then it came out: a little kitten.

It came down a bit and then retreated, so I just kept calling him. Finally he came within a paws reach. I grabbed him and put him in my jacket. Inside, he had a gash across his nose and eye, so I treated and took him to the vet for a check and feline injections.

We love him dearly he has been with us for 20 years now. It seems he is on his way to rainbow bridge. I hope not soon. Don't know where the years have gone. Pippy, which we named him, is such a joy with lots of character.

Kathleen Carroll