A young monkey called QiQi

I saw a young monkey behind my workplace, stretched out weak without any food. He had torn fingers and toes from an attack by an adult monkey; they so were mangled that you could see the bones. Flies started to surround him, and what was sad was that there were so many people around but nobody tried to help. I decided to take him to vet. I called him QiQi. Even though he was getting healthier, the bad condition of his legs forced him to be on his back most of the time. Many people told me to put QiQi to sleep. I did think about it because I felt for QiQi. But when I think back, QiQi, even though he couldn't stand was always happy with me. It's been a year now that I've been taking care of him, and every time I hold him in my arms, he always pretends to talk and even enjoys falling asleep in my embrace. There was a doctor from a zoo who offered to help QiQi but until now, there hasn't been any news about it! Usually they don't entertain requests like these because it doesn't serve any benefit to them - they don't make profit from helping disabled animals. Because of health factors, I now no longer work outside. I only do part-time jobs and work from home. Now I have more time to take care and nurse QiQi and other animals.

akmar suraya abdullah
Selangor, Malaysia