Adopting Edgar

I was looking for a small dog to adopt because I have issues with my legs and was afraid if I adopted a larger dog I wouldn't be able to control him. I went to the Humane Society of Marion County and found Edgar. He was an 8 yr old chihuahua mix who had been in an abusive situation for years. At first, he stayed in a corner of my dining room and trembled so much it broke my heart. I decided to give him his space and let him come to me when he was ready. It took about 3 weeks for him to leave his corner and another month for him to sit by me. But every time I moved, he ran. I started to give him cbd oil and slowly he improved. Now it's 8 months later and he sits next to me on the couch!!! I thank God for Edgar every day. I was having my own issues when I adopted him and I like to think we healed each other. Because of the Covid quarantine we were together 24/7 so now he has a little bit of separation anxiety when I go out, but when I come back he dances around me and makes me feel so happy I have him. He sits on the couch and hides under his blanket at times with just his eyes peeking out. I call him my vampire dog, lol. I love this baby so much and I will never give him up.

Mary Lopez