Alive by the GRACE of God!

So there I was. A freshman in college on my way back to my college apartment after a weekend with my family. I had tears in my eyes the whole way home, partly because I hated leaving my family, and partly because the stress of a whole new life was really getting to me. But as I rounded a corner on my way home, something in my head told me to pay careful attention to the road, and I did. And sure enough, this TINY kitten was right in the middle of the road. And as I neared her, she lifted her head up off of the road almost as if she were saying "Yes, I'm alive. And yes, I need you". More tears began welling in my eyes, because this was the LAST thing I needed at the moment! I couldn't afford a cat, didn't have time to pay attention to her, and on top of that, my apartment didn't allow animals! But I reluctantly stopped and picked her up. I immediatly knew in my heart that she was a girl, and her name was Grace. She had blood coming out of her mouth and what looked like a broken leg, and I just knew she wasn't going to live through the night. But she did. And before you knew it, her "broke" leg was better, and she was wandering all over. She did a complete turnaround in a very short amount of time, and was soon good as new. She is my sunshine, most definetly a spitfire and the best thing to come home to after a long day! And that's my Grace. Alive by the GRACE of God, who knew I needed her just as badly as she needed me!! : )

Savannah, GA