Almost Lost this One

The people who bought this dog wanted a mean dog so they beat her daily to try to make her vicious. They only broke the poor girls spirit. After her daily beatings were done they kept her locked in a cage for months. They finally decided to get rid of her and dropped her off at a local rescue. She was in such bad shape they were going to put her down. She would only cower and could barely move. No one could get close to her. My wife happened to stop by that day and she was able to walk right up to this poor little girl. We loaded her up and it was off to a new home. She could barely walk after being locked in a cage for so long. She made instant friends with her three new sisters, 2 dobes and 1 weiner dog. It took many months but we finally had her walking. Running was a different story. She just didn't know how to move her legs fast enough. It was pretty comical at times. Her new sisters just weren't going to let her waste her life doing nothing. They worked and played with her until she became a very healthy little girl. She has been with us for almost 6 years and is now the queen of the house. Her two dobe sisters have since passed away, but we rescued another dobe so she has a full size playmate.

Ashland, OH