Babee Cakes, 14-year old toy poodle, weighing 5.7#

Through United Animal Friends, I saw this little baby needing a new home. Her owners needed to re-home her due to their health problems. We had just lost our female 12-year-old Shih tzu and had a male 13-year-old toy poodle. We wanted an older female dog to rescue to be a playmate for our other toy poodle.

We had looked for a couple of weeks to no avail... then we saw a picture of this little girl on Petfinder. We applied for her. Right away, they set up a meet and greet, and we adopted her the same day.

We have been so glad and happy to make her part of our family. She sleeps with us and is completely at home here. She is full of energy and runs fast for her little body. She has a bad patella on her back left leg so she hops when she runs, but it doesn't bother her.

David & Caro l Lester