
My husband and I were married in April 2008 and prior to our wedding we had thought long and hard and decided we had room and plenty of love to share with a dog. We searched and searched on the internet to try and find a rescue dog which would fit in with the cats, but we had no joy. In the end we just got in the car and drove to our nearest local rescue centre which was about 20 miles away. As we walked in, our eyes were instantly drawn to a lovely Beagle just sitting quietly in her kennel watching us. I just melted when I looked into her soalful eyes and my husband and I were instantly in love with her. On enquiring about her background, we were told that she had been bred on a puppy farm, and in turn used for breeding puppies as soon as she was old enough. She was then bought from the puppy farm by a kind person, but as she had developed no doggy social skills she soon ended up in the rescue centre. We are now the proud owners of Bella the Beagle and our lives are full of love and play times. Although Bella still has a bit of an ongoing issue with dog socialisation, her cat skills are wonderful. We wouldn't be without her now and oooh she makes us laugh and smile, especially when she has new experiences like the recent snow we had in February.

Carol Mellon
Farnborough, United Kingdom