
I have been fostering for our local animal rescue for many years. My dog Benson started out as a typical foster, and we were just waiting for him to get adopted. He was a two year old GSP that was found in Benson, a small rural community a few miles from where I lived. Our rescue director was driving in the area and saw Benson running down the side of the road. He had no collar or tags. She stopped her car, opened the door, and Benson jumped right in. He was probably a hunting dog that got separated from his hunting party, because he perked up whenever he heard a diesel pickup, and reacted with excitement whenever he heard gunfire. We searched online lost pet sites, posted flyers, and let the vets in the area know about him, but no one came forward to claim him.

Owners loss--my gain!

I fostered him for about 2 weeks, and just knew he was going to be a foster failure and stay with me as my best buddy. That was 12 years ago, so he is over 14 years old now. He is still just as spry as ever, but his eyes are getting cloudy and he has a bit of trouble getting up on my bed.
I have gone on to foster many more dogs (just got number 187, Remmy, a crazy 1 year old Labradoodle) and I couldn't have done it without Benson. He takes each new, timid, scared foster that comes into our home and shows them how to be a happy dog. He will show them the dog door, show them where to go potty outside, and gently let them know the rules.

It will be a sad day when he moves on to his next great adventure.

Linda Gillespie