Best Buddy EVER

Colin was a part of a hoarding rescue when he was about a week old. There were intact male and female Collies everywhere on the property. It was easy to figure out who the mothers were, but the only thing for certain about the fathers was that they were all Collies. We got him after the court case was settled and he was 5 months old. We had another young Collie, Skye, that needed a friend since the older dogs were tired of her energy.

When Colin was available, I drove across the state and back in one day. The foster people let him out of the run he was in and he ran to me and took a flying leap into the SUV and looked at me like, well let's go already. He was a good traveler, he just upchucked once in the water bowl. When we got home, he greeted my hubby with multiple kisses, and the cats with a sniff, but when he and Skye met, it was like those scenes in romantic movies when the love interests meet - FIREWORKS on the 4th of July. He and Skye did the doggy greeting thing and then Skye looked at me like you brought me a new toy and it's ALIVE.

Colin traveled everywhere we did and cheered Skye on to her
championship. They became such good friends that Skye even let him help care for her puppies years later. He played with the pups we kept for their whole lives. He stopped when his arthritis got too bad. He was 13 years old when he went to the Rainbow Bridge. He was fun and mischievous, you were always wondering what new trouble he would get into. Rescuing Colin was the best decision we have ever made.

Dot Newkirk