Best Friends

Roofus was a stray I saw at the local pound. I had been dog hunting for many months at that point. When I walked up to his cage, I noticed a sign on his door that read, "Please have patience with me. I am shy." When I looked at Roofus, he stuck his paw out under the door as if to say, "Please, take me home!" I asked the employee if I could just come back in the morning to come get him since I had to work the night shift that night. She replied, "Sure...if he's still here." I turned back, saw a couple walk in the door, and said, "Ok, I'll take him now!" That was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Although he is a bit antisocial with other dogs still, Roofus has come a long way. Roofus and I didn't know it, but we met our best friend(s) that fateful day in the pound.

Tampa, FL