Bestest Little Friends

This is Charlie & P.D. Charlie is the Terrier mix and P.D. is the Puggle. My husband and I rescued them from our local no-kill shelter last year. We got married in 04/2008, bought our first house ever in 08/2008 and all the while dreamed of heading to the shelter to get a dog. So in 09/2008 we did just that and first found our little Charlie. We fell in love with her gentleness and friendliness and her beautiful, sweet eyes and long eyelashes lol.

Next in 10/08, we headed back to the shelter because we wanted to get Charlie a friend and give another dog a new forever home. That's when we were introduced to P.D. We took Charlie out to the shelter with us so we could see how she would react to any potential candidates and P.D. was the only one that did the little "sniffy circle dance" with her, which we thought was so cute. But when P.D. lifted his little leg and peed on my husbands shoe, as if to say, "You're mine" that was the clincher and we made him our newest family member.

These two are inseperable - they wrestle and tug-o-war, they share the same doggie dish, they even share bones taking turns back and forth with an almost "mannered-like" quality, it's amazing how good of friends they are! Bestest little friends forever!

Ottawa, IL