Betsy Rules

My husband came to pick me up from volunteering at a no-kill shelter for cats and I noticed that he went into one room and immediately noticed this tiny kitten that stopped right in front of him, looked up at his face, and started to meow. That was all it took for my husband to fall in love with Betsy. Betsy was found by a construction worker who noticed her meowing on top of a wood pile. When he dropped her off, she was barely thriving so we immediately took her to the vet to be checked over. Turns out she had an underdeveloped eye and ringworm. I was so concerned that she would not be adopted due to her condition so I was thrilled that my husband wanted to adopt her. Four years later Betsy rules the house and our two other rescue cats. Betsy is fearless; she growls when the doorbell rings. When I go outside with her, she loves to sit under the bird feeder and chase the birds away. If she hears a loud noise, she comes running to me. She is my constant companion when I am home so, needless to say, she gets lots of love. My husband and I remind her that she may rule the house but she will always be our baby.

Mary Dailey
Muncie, IN