Bing Crosby

My ex husband found a tiny kitten at his house out in the country. The kitten followed him everywhere crying. He was probably 4-5 weeks old, all of 6 ounces, swollen belly and starving. My ex knew I had a mother cat still nursing a couple of kittens and asked if he could bring this one over.

As soon as I laid eyes on him, I fell in love. His eyes were so big and blue I named him Bing Crosby, and decided to call him Crosby.

Crosby was like a newborn baby and had an around the clock schedule. I worked for a couple of weeks to get him in a routine, and he finally stopped crying all the time. He knew he was safe, and finally settled in. I work from home, so I could give him the attention he needed, and most of the day he stayed wrapped up in my shirt sleeping.

He’s grown into a very special addition to our family. He’s healthy, energetic, and very entertaining. He came to me as a rescue, but he was my rescue. During the time I was taking care of him, I lost another baby unexpectedly at 3 years old, Lily, to polycystic kidney disease. So, in reality Crosby really saved me.
