Bottle baby rescues

I had a half pit bull, half English Cocker spaniel that I got at 20 days old because momma ran out of milk for her 11 large pups. I went to choose one, when a friend told me the owners were giving them away as they couldn't keep up with the feedings anymore.

I had pretty much chosen a pure white female when I felt tugging on my shoe laces. I looked down and there was a tri-color male yanking on them. The thing was, I was 20 or so feet from the litter area and they weren't walking yet, they were doing the 'swim walk', and he'd come all that way. They say to take the dog that comes to you, so I did.

Then the husband brought home a 4 day old kitten (this was 4 years later) that he had found with no momma and among his dead litter mates. He got sick with infections, but we got him better and Finnigan lived to be 5 years old before his infections got the better of him.

Brandy, the dog , lived to almost 15 in 2008, but cancer took both him, and his daddy (my husband) 11 years apart.

Debbie Allen