Bunch of cats!

For a long time we only had 2 cats. Then, our daughter wanted a kitten for her birthday, so we got her one from a friend. We named her Baby. When Baby was 1, Tony disappeared. Ozzy developed a bad case of mange at the same time. He didn't like the medication I put on him and disappeared. I was inconsolable. After about 3 months, I went to the pet shelter to get a female, but wound up with a black male kitten. He reached through the bars and "talked" at me, and I was hooked. He is my Buddy. Baby HATED him. It was a month before they could stay in the same room together. Part of it was that Buddy was very pushy and wanted to play all the time. They finally started to get along. About a month later...Ozzy came home! All healed up, fat and sassy! He didn't like Buddy, either. Still doesn't.
Well, June 2008, I went outside and heard a wail. I found a tiny kitten in the bushes. She couldn't have been more than 4 wks old, but she knew just what to do when I put her next to the food bowl! We named her Itty-Bitty, and she adored Buddy. She's now about a year old and the terror of the house. She was driving Buddy crazy wanting to play all the time.
Well...about 2 months ago, my 20-yr old son brought his cat Lulu to "visit," because he's not allowed to have pets at his home. She and Itty-Bitty are now best friends. That's how I went from a 2-cat to a 5-cat household in the space of about 2 years. All of my cats are fixed and quite spoiled.

SoCal, CA