Calli, a friend for Gizmo

After I had had Gizmo for two months, I realized she was pretty crazy and could benefit from a "normal" feline in the house to learn some manners from.

Calli came into the nursery with six of her siblings at two weeks of age, having also been found outside near someone's home. One by one, Calli's siblings got sick and started dying. When there were only three left (Calli included), I begged my favourite vet at THS to take a look at the litter and prescribe a different antibiotic, because the one they were on was obviously NOT WORKING. The vet listened to me, ran some tests, and put the last three on a different set of antibiotics. Then there was nothing to do but wait.

Calli's last two siblings succumbed to the infection that killed the rest of the litter; then it was just Calli. She got worse before she got better, but my little fighter managed to pull through. I brought her home and the minute Gizmo saw her, Gizmo began purring. I think she had been lonely for feline companionship.

Calli is a very small cat, probably because of the severe infection she had as a tiny kitten. She has managed to teach Gizmo some manners, so now when Gizmo bites hard you know it is because she means to rather than just not knowing appropriate play techniques. Unfortunately, because Gizmo is so moody and spiteful, Calli has become a bit skittish and wary of sudden movements and loud noises. But she's also become an expert in evading Gizmo, mostly because she is so fast and agile that Gizmo (because of her spinal injury) just cannot keep up. Calli loves being petted and falls asleep purring at the top of the cat tree every night.

Simone Rodrigue
Toronto, Canada