Callie picks a mom

A couple of years after the death of my beloved Clover I felt it was finally time to head to the local shelter and adopt a new cat. I was leary as I had just got my entire house repainted, carpeted and bought new furniture...and new pets can be unpredictable. Well, off to the shelter I went. When I first walked into the cat room this little calico kept running around my feet. The worker said she was a "special needs" kitty so I kept looking. No other cat seemed to "take" to me but the little calico wouldn't leave me alone. So I picked her up and immediately the worker said "she doesn't like to be held". Hmm, she curled up in my arms just fine. So I said to the worker "let's talk special needs". She said the kitty needed special food that can only be purchased at the vet since regular food crystalized her urine. My response was "that's all"? I can handle buying bags of dry food at the vet's office. So I decided to take the little calico home with me. I named her Callie (original huh?). But it fits her. She spent the first 2 weeks under my bed until she realized it would be more comfortable sleeping on the bed instead. Since then we have become insepartable. She sleeps with me and sits on my shoulder when I'm at the computer or watching TV. I am so glad she picked me!

Timarie Maske
Joliet, IL