Cameo -the dog that rescued me

Cameo came to me in the fall of 1994. She was discarded by her owners because we diagnosed her with heartworm disease. She was spayed, but had never had any other care than that.
I brought her home from the pound (where they dumped her) and she moved right into my heart, soul and home.
She knew she was born to be with me, it took me a few months to realize it. She would look into my eyes and I have never felt a connection like that. She guided me through some terrible times (divorce, etc.) and was always there when I needed a hug and a kiss.
She smiled at everyone, loved everyone, kissed everyone. She was an odd mix of dogs so we never have figured out her lineage. She was a therapy dog (one of the first in my county) and would love to go to the school my kids attended and have the kids read to her when they couldn't interact with others. She raised Annie Mouse for me, who is still with me, another rescue dog. She is now 11 but in perfect health.
I lost Cameo after 10 and half years. She was almost 16 when she died in my arms so she outlived her horrid start by at least the five years she lost before I got her.
She is smiling in my heart each and every day. I will miss her until the day I see her again.

Jana Connell
Sonora, CA