Campground cat

When we were camping in Tennessee, we saw a tortoiseshell cat about six months old near a truck. We went over and tried to befriend her; she was friendly but would not come near a person. We were leaving the next day and could not catch her.

About a month later, we decided to go back to the same camp. We called her what we’ve been calling her the first time we were there and out she came. She rubbed against our ankles, but when we went down to get her she would takeoff. We were due to leave in a couple of days and decided to try and catch her with thick work gloves and a cage. We manage to do so and put her in our camper.

She has turned into a beautiful kitty, still is skittish but now enjoys her head being stroked and sleeping in our bedroom. She now weighs a healthy 12 pounds.

Jean Wilson