Catching Bella

It was around 9pm March 25, 2019 I saw a post on Facebook about a dog who had been spotted in the woods near my house. I immediately set out with food and water to try to find her. Come to find out she had been dumped there about 30 days earlier. My heart was breaking for her. I was told there was something wrong with one of her eyes by someone who had spotted her. I HAD to get her!! I went every day before and after work with fresh water and food. Took and old tshirt of mine so she would be used to my scent. I wasn't going to give up on her!! She deserved more than living in the woods scared. I was going to succeed in rescuing her. I would sit a while and just wait. After about 30 days of repeating my routine I was getting worried. Then a volunteer from Amazing Grace Bully Rescue reached out to me through Facebook after reading my posts about trying to rescue this girl.
We set up a time and she game out and set up an AMAZING trap to catch her! It was actually an outdoor kennel bought and modified and then donated to the rescue by a sweet couple after Amazing Grace Bully assisted them in rescuing a dumped dog near their home. It was so humane and not scary at all. The door closed so quietly. Set it up in less than 20 minutes and we waited. About three hours later Bella just walked right in. I was so excited!! I FINALLY had her! When I went up to the kennel to see how she was going to react I was shocked! She was so gentle. Let me pet her right away and gave so many kisses. I like to think she was saying thank you.
I brought her home and put her in a kennel until I could get her to the vet on Monday to be scanned for a chip and examined. I also have other dogs so I needed to isolate her until then.
Took her to the vet. No chip. The vet told me she wasn't quite a year old. And her eye injury was from some type of trauma. It didn't seem painful and she had obviously adapted so we decided to just keep a check on it. After the required hold and posting about her no one had come forward to claim her. She was now mine!! Took her back to the vet for her vaccines and heartworm test (which was negative).
My dogs fell in love with her and now she's living her best life!! I am forever grateful to Amazing Grace Bully Rescue for helping me bring this sweet girl into my life!!

Carolyn Lovejoy