Chase - Failing Fostering 101

I was just beginning fostering for All Texas Dachshund Rescue and I had a call from a fellow dachshund loving friend telling me about some people she heard of that were taking their dachshund to an animal control that puts down owner surrenders. I called them, determined I was going to drive the 80 miles to get him even before clearing it with the rescue group. Luckily they were on board and I went to go and get my very first foster dog. Chase was stuck in a 4 X 6 dirt fenced area with no shade and little shelter and almost never any attention. He was so excited to see people. He stunk to high heaven and welcomed the bath he got as soon as we got home. Upon his visit to the he was diagnosed with severe heartworm. He would not have made it much longer. His treatment was long but he was a champ. When he was well enough to be adopted he decided he was home and not going anywhere. He rejected any potential adopter and everytime he met someone new my eyes filled with tears. This was too stressful for both of us. Chase loves to be held like a baby, belly rubs and to be talked to. He does a happy dance and is nick named Elvis because of a lip curl smile he does. I failed fostering 101 - I adopted my very first foster.

Fort Worth, TX