"Chevy" Finds a Loving Home in Napier, New Zealand

I found this poor little "googly-eyed" kitten living with a young woman who had let her under-nourished Mother Cat give birth to a second litter rather quickly, and who was obviously struggling to feed them all.

He was one of six kittens, supposedly EIGHT weeks old, but only two of which (who were obviously stealing all mum's milk!) looked that age - the remaining kittens were scraggley and malnorished, and not moving around much like normal kittens would. I asked what she was going to do with them? The local Pet Shop wouldn't take them, so they were headed for the Napier RSPCA.

I picked up each of the smallest bundles of fur in turn and fell in love with this little boy - he looked so sad, and I knew the smaller, sick-looking kittens had less chance of adoption from the Animal Shelter, so gladly took him home to join our family of "Felicity" (6yr old Calico "SPCA Special", and "Tigger" (5yr old Grey & White Tabby we'd adopted from a friend's litter).

My husband named him "Chevy", and after a quick vet check and advice on worming, flea treatment, Kitten Milk and high nutrient kitten food, he is thriving - he went from 450g to 600g in the first week!!! Felicity and Tigger were cautious of their new brother at first, but now play gently with him and let him sleep close by. He is a real live-wire now he's properly fed, and loves snuggling up to us when he wears himself out!

Happily his smallest little brother kitten was adopted by a couple of friends too, so they will no doubt get to see each other again one day. It's been wonderful watching little Chevy loose his "googly-eyed" half-starved look and thrive with all the attention!

Jenny Middleton
Napier, New Zealand