Chloe - Has Her Own Facebook Page

Who would ever think Chloe would have her own Facebook page? But she does. Five years ago, at the age of two, she was found tied outside the kennel area of the veterinary office where I took my other dog, Wally. She was scrawny and wormy but the most loveable dog you would ever want to know. She was an habitual runaway and afraid of everything. She needed a home where she could receive unconditional love and she found it in my home. Early in her adjustment, she tried to run away, but she knew what a good thing she had going. She has not tried to run since.

Chloe has not done anything particularly heroic. As a matter of fact, she has eaten through the wall a couple of times during thunderstorms. However, she is somewhat of a celebrity in my town, having been featured on the local tv news for being one of the first dogs in the area to have her DNA tested (she does not look it but she is part Pointer, German Shepherd and Shiba Inu). Here pedigree is 100% LOVE.

Ann Rueve
Cincinnati, OH