
I wanted a playmate for my 6 month old pug Stella Belle Sun. I was working long hours and was concerned she might be lonely. On a hot Sunday morning, there was an ad for adult pugs for sale. I gathered up Stella and off we went!

We came to a house which was a pug breeding ground! Conditions were horrible! 102 degrees, no shade. There were 11 pugs begging for attention. One followed me saying pick me pick me. She was so homely looking. Her teats were full, as if she had just delivered. I picked her up and asked the man if I could take her around the block with Stella, he agreed.

The minute I got away, I called the police, who arrived at the house almost immediately! He was arrested. Pug Rescue was called and they took all but one, my little girl!

She was in such a bad way I called her Cinderella and she instantly became our princess! She was the most loving dog I have ever had, something very special about her. She and Stella bonded like sisters. She loved to get dressed up! On Sunday’s she would sit in her poppy’s lap and watch football all day! She gave us so much joy. She lived to an old age of 13. I still miss her!

I continue to rescue pugs but there has never been another Cinderella.

Annemarie Sundquist