Clearance Rack Special

So I've always wanted a Black Labrador Retriever. I've had many Lab "mixes" along the way because I won't "shop", I'll only "adopt". Having recently lost one of my "mixes" to cancer, I was longing to replace her. On my daily visit to Craig's list (I know, never get a pet off CL) I ran across an ad in the free section. It was quite lengthy with several pictures. I got the feeling they were truly trying to find a good home for this puppy. He had suffered a broken leg, been to several doctors and not gotten a good prognosis. Money wise, the breeder didn't want to spend money on a pup they couldn't sell. Free to good home. I answered the ad, explaining I lived on 20 acres, had 4 other dogs and a great Veterinarian. I got an invitation to come meet "Ty". Both of his parents were on site and they seemed like nice dogs. Very family friendly. The breeder showed me all the medical records and I met Ty, who was living in a pen for recovery. The leg was pretty pitiful. He was pretty laid back for a Lab puppy but I thought it was due to the lack of activity. I went home to discuss it with my husband as a special needs puppy was not going to be inexpensive. I got the old "Whatever you decide is fine with me". Green light! I got him a few days later and took him and the play pen home. We visited my vet for consultation and she put him in a splint as it was taken off too soon. We talked to a surgeon and he told us what he would do. Dropped Ty off for surgery and later that morning the Dr. called. After seeing new xrays he thought we might do more harm than good right now. Restrict the activity for a few weeks and if he starts using the leg, so be it. If not, we can take it off. Well, fast forward and there is no stopping this dog. Loves to run, chase deer and jump in the air! Oh, he'll have arthritis eventually but he's been on a supplement since we got him to help with that. And he hogs the bed. Oh well. Got my Labrador Retriever!

Kriston Glushko