Cupid stole my heart

I was heading out my back door to feed my two neutered semi-feral boys when I saw a tiny streak run after one of the boys. I wasn't sure what it was at first. Then I heard it crying and trying to get through my fence. It was a tiny black and white kitten. I tried to grab it while it was eating but it was too small to catch. I spent 2 hours on a hot humid August 2020 night getting eaten by bugs trying to catch this kitten. I tried my trap but he was too light to set it off. I came in the house crying after hours of trying because I knew he wouldn't come back. Imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning and he was sleeping outside my fence. This time I used a water bottle to prop the trap door open. I stood outside the yard hiding behind my deck hoping he would go in. I tried having a mother cat crying playing on my phone no interest. Finally I put my cat Charlie in the yard. Charlie started crying so bad that the kitten decided to come in the yard and check out the food in the trap. I quick pulled and the water bottle dropped, the baby was mine. I didn't need another cat, I have a house full of cats and dogs. This baby needed me. I took him to the vet he was 5 weeks old and weighed a pound. He had an injured tail that caused him to loose an inch and a sore on his front paw pad. He was infested with fleas and had worms. I named him Cupid because he is one of the most loving kittens I've ever had. No other kittens ever showed up and no mother cat has ever been seen. Cupid was way to young to be on his own, I still don't know how he survived. This little guy is my heart; every night he has to curl up with me for a hour before bed. I'm so lucky to have my little Cupid.

April Johnson