Darius the Cat

Darius is a 2+ year old male feral cat that I discovered late last winter clawing at my garbage. I began feeding him daily but could not approach him. In July I was able to trap him using a humane trap. I brought him to a mobile vet clinic for neutering and shots. The vet said not to expect a feral cat to become tame. About two weeks later Darius let me pet him. Shortly after he came inside the house. He goes outdoors in the garden only when I am home. Darius is very affectionate and a prolific purring machine. He has become quite tame. He lies down next to me like a person with his face next to mine. Darius is like a dog and comes when he is called by name and answers to my whistle. Darius has adapted himself to the bed, pillows, and to the fireplace with ease. His favorite spot to sleep is on my husband's leather chair near the wood stove.

Mich Rabushka Lysik
Covenrty, CT