Darling Dolly

I became the proud owner of a dog in late January of 09. I found her through petfinders.com, she was with the Almost Home Dog Rescue organization. I saw her picture and fell in love. When I met her for the first time, she seemed so big compared to the Border Terriers that I had as my previous pet but not too big for me or my home and yard. Because there was another interested party, I was so anxious about whether or not I'd actully get Dolly but in the end the foster Mom picked me basically because my home fit Dolly's needs the best. Dolly has become my sidekick and has integrated into our family as if she was meant to be here! I love her so much. She's a sweetheart with enough spunk to protect me and to have a great time with too! This is my first experience with a rescue dog and I am so happy with how things turned out that I will never get a dog from any other source. What a wonderful way to acquire a loving pet and save one from the many horrific things that can happen to a dog who was living on the streets!
Her name, Dolly, was given to her by someone from the SPCA but it fit her so well, we decided to keep it. Hello Dolly!
A Happy Pet Owner

Eagleville, PA