Dell Aka Kiddo

This is Dell. He is a distemper survivor. A woman we know found him on her doorstep and asked us to take him in. Worried that this little guy wasn't going to make it, we agreed. He had hookworms, distemper and heartworms. We treated the hookworms but couldn't treat the heartworms yet because of the distemper. For a while there, we really didn't think he was going to make it...but being the trooper that he is, he pulled out of it. Not without some scars though; he has a twitch that he will never recover from. So we were finally able to start heartworm treatment. However, before it could be totally completed, he started to have seizures. We have gotten the seizures and the distemper under control and are slowly working on the heartworms. Despite all this, Dell is the happiest and most mischievious little guy you could ever find. We are so lucky to have him.

San Antonio, TX