
While searching Petfinder for a friend I saw the sweetest face staring back at me of a little guy who needed a home. The official story was someone spotted a car pulling over at a rest area and dropping him off before speeding away. My friends ended up not being in a position to take another dog but that image stayed in the back of my mind. A few months later we lost two of our dogs in close succession to old age and illness. We were devastated. We only had one fur baby now and that didn't seem right. I remembered the little guy with the sad face and checked to see if he was still there. He was, and he has been with us ever since. I was again 'covered in dog' and Indi has a buddy. Life is good. One other note, if you've ever heard "Happy Boy" by the Beat Farmers, that's his theme song. >^..^<

Sanford, FL