Dooley the Indestructible

One Friday morning at 8am, I received a phone call from a friend who is involved with a wonderful local NSW animal rescue organisation Coastal Paws Rescue, whose mission it is to save animals on 'death row' and re-home them.
My lovely friend informed me that 8 dogs were due to be put to sleep a little later in the day, and we needed to get the word out to as many people as we could to see if we could save these poor innocents that nobody obviously wanted.
Dooley, a 5mth old Doberman mix puppy, was one of those 8 dogs who was destined for 'the needle' at midday that very same day.
After many emails and phone calls, we managed to find fosters homes for every single animal by 9.30am and not one animal received their 'needle'.
We became Dooley's foster family.
On introduction to our home, he managed to blend into our 3 dog, 2 cat family extremely well, and here we are 4 weeks later with Dooley as a now permanent member of our pack. Very much loved and treasured, even with his gardening!

Virginia Ede
Davistown, Australia