Duke the Airedale

Duke was originally named Shorty because when he was a pup he contracted Parvo and never grew as big as his littermates. He was sold at 16 weeks to a boy as part of his hunting pack. When Shorty was about 18 months old, he was run over by a truck, dislocating his hip. From then on, because he couldn't keep up with the hounds, he was penned up when the pack left to go hunting. Shorty didn't like being left behind, so he would climb out or dig under and then was chained to keep him home. At about two years of age, the family broke up and Shorty was tuned over to rescue.

I thought Shorty was demeaning and he has a very noble look about him, so named him Duke. Unfortunately, Duke's health problems were not at an end. He contracted Valley Fever and a mysterious lung infection that made him very, very ill. This little dog is a fighter, though, and he is slowly getting better.

As you might expect from his past treatment, Duke is very leery of strangers, especially men. But, he is very happy here. He romps and runs with my other Airedale (having to stop to cough every once in a while). Although he is technically still a foster dog, I can't imagine putting him through the stress of getting used to another home and I am very fond of him, so we are pretty sure he is home for good.

Sidney Hardie
Tucson, AZ