
Our beloved lab Lady was taken from our house a year ago in March. I cried and cried, visited the local humane society almost daily hoping she would turn up. In the mean time, my oldest son and his family had a puppy, Dusty, and they were moving and couldn't keep an outside dog, so we took her in to find her a home. We did find a home, but the people ended up abandong her at the HS despite us telling them if she didn't work out to call us.

While looking for Lady, we discovered Dusty at the HS. We decided to go ahead and adopt her ourselves, for fear of her being euthanized.

She has turned out to be the most loving, fun, exuberant, playful and SMART girl! She loves to play with stuffed animals, and she has learned how to bird hunt, which she absolutely loves. We have enjoyed her immensely.

None of our pets have been purchased, they have all been rescues and there isn't a better way to acquire a loving companion. We had a doxie who had been abused and was a biter, but he lived out his life with us respecting his boundaries and he was wonderful too.

I would encourage anyone looking for a pet to go to their local Humane Society or shelters!!

Becky Calcote
Columbia, MO