Finding Love Again

When my 21 year old Russian Blue succumbed to kidney failure in February, 2007, I was devastated and terribly heart-broken. My husband insisted on taking me to the Humane Society to try to find another kitten, but I wasn't ready to give my heart to another cat so soon. However, I did go and I looked at every kitten there, although my heart really wasn't in it. We were just about to leave when I saw him...this scraggly looking, wild-haired kitten that was climbing his cage trying to get out. He began licking my fingers when I touched his cage. All I could think was "you pitiful looking thing - who would want to adopt you?!" But I could not turn my back on him and walk out, I had to adopt him, and I did! Months later, that "wild scraggly hair" fell out, leaving behind a beautiful striped and silky coat. His only "fault" is that he cannot meow! No matter how hard he tries all he can produce is a squeak. Kenny has proven to be one of the most loving and affectionate cats I have ever had. He follows me everywhere and wakes me up every morning by resting one of his front paws on my face or playing in my hair. He has given me the love I was looking for and has helped to fill a huge hole in my heart that I thought could never be filled. He is simply a precious gem and a joy to have around.

Glenda Petz
Okeechobee, FL