Flash the Alarm Clock

I went to a shelter to look for a specific kind of cat, but I ended up being adopted myself by Flash. I was standing in front of the cages with my back towards them holding another cat when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and there he was, he had beautiful green eyes and the woman at the shelter said "I think YOU were just adopted." I took him out and held him and he put his paw up to my face as to say "I want to go home with you." That's all I needed, so I took him home, 7 years later he is my best friend and my alarm clock. A few months after I adopted him I was awoken one morning by a paw on my shoulder and a very loud "MA MA", he still does it to this day. He also welcomes me home the same way...with a loud "MA MA". He also has a "natural" milk moustache!

Madelyn Diaz
Hershey, PA