Fly Like an Eagle

Eagle was found by my husband's co-workers on a cold, rainy and blustery January day. My husband works at an airport, and there isn't much around the airport, so we have no idea how Eagle managed to keep himself fed. Despite the frigid temperatures and horrible conditions, this happy little puppy bounded into our lives and we have never been the same!

Eagle was 8 weeks old when my husband Brian brought him home. He had a couple of injuries and a bad case of worms, but with the help of our terrific vet, he healed nicely and grew so fast! As a puppy he looked very much like a chow. We think he is a mix of chow and Collie or Sheepdog. Very long, beautiful black fur, with a curly Chow tail and a black Chow tongue!

Eagle is now 4 years old and has calmed down some from his early puppy days! He is fairly well behaved dog and sits very nicely when he thinks a treat is on the way! He likes to lay by the front door looking out the window and keeping an eye on the neighborhood. He seems to be protecting the house and his Mommy and Daddy!

Eagle is the first dog my husband and I have had who was OURS - not a childhood family pet. He has trained us on how to be better pet parents and we can't imagine life without our boy. We like to think that Eagle has a better life with us than he would have had on his own as a stray. He is a very handsome guy and I am so glad my husband rescued him from an uncertain life so we could give him a happy and loving one.

Jennifer Tripp
Lowell, AR