From Feral to Family

Meet Mitten or as we like to call her Mo.

She has made it a long way from a small kitten who was brought into a Midwestern University TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) as a feral community cat. She had a pretty bad upper respiratory infection and eye infections that caused her eyes to be swollen shut. She was too sick to undergo surgery (spay) and then be returned to her community.

One of the vet students (a member of @mwu.scasv) took the initiative to talk with the community member who had trapped the cat and arrange for the kitten to enter the @SOUL.AnimalRescue foster program so it could get the medical attention it needed.

Now after some love from her foster and medicine, she is on the road to recovery. Her eye infections are still being treated. We are also still working on socializing her and helping her to trust humans. She is making strides though and has started to play with us quite a bit, especially now that she is starting to feel better!
